Brotherly Talks, Interrogation and Awkward Dates

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Sorry this is so late, guys, I'm dumb, I was busy, but have this! EDIT: Also, art!! Fanart, yay :D The source can be found here: which the biffle drew for me :D

14. Brotherly Talks, Interrogation and Awkward Dates


Your name is Eridan Ampora and your brother’s bragging about his love life, as usual. He said he’s scored with Mituna, which you’re a bit surprised with. Mituna? And Cronus? Man, why would Mituna go with him on a date? In your opinion, he’s just a scumbag. Though maybe Mituna sees him differently. You don’t know.

Nonetheless, it’s kind of pissing you off. I mean, yeah, you complain to him about Sollux all the time, but still. Speaking of Sollux…

You were in his room earlier, but he couldn’t see you. You were invisible; a ghost, heh. And he was talking with Aradia. You didn’t want to look at their conversation- they were probably just flirting with each other. Ugh.

 … Maybe you’re a little jealous.

Yeah, okay, you’re a lot jealous. Your brother “scored” and you didn’t? Wow.

“-so I’m pretty fuckin’ excited, an’ hopefully aftervwards vwe can go back to his room an’-“


Yeah, you’re done listening to him go on about Mituna. You cut him off, “Look, Cro, not that your sex life ain’t fascinatin’ an’ all, but there’s some things I guy shouldn’t knoww. I’m goin’ to help Sol wwith stuff, okay?” And you leave. He’s unfazed by your rudeness and goes off somewhere to plan for tonight, probably. You just go upstairs to visit Sollux’s room.

As usual, he’s at his computer and typing away. When you look over his shoulder, all you see is a bunch of numbers and wow he just hit you in the face, ow. You grumble and go over to the bed after hearing a mumbled, “Don’t look over my shoulder. It’th annoying.”

Sollux isn’t any interesting when he’s busy coding.

Maybe you can get his attention.

“Hey Sol.”


“Sooooool. Come on, Sol.”

Ugh, how is he so deaf to you and your needs?

“Cro and your brother are goin’ on a date.”

“Wait what the fuck?” he says as he turns to face you, his expression incredulous. Fuckin’  finally.

“You heard me.”

“Your douchebag older brother… ith going on a date with… Tuna?”

“That’s exactly wwhat I wwas thinkin’. Howw the fuck did this happen?”



Great, now he’s unresponsive. He’s sitting there, turned towards you but his head is hanging low so you can’t see his eyes- his hair is in his face.

“Um. Sol?”

“Why… the fuck…”

Oh shit, he’s twitching now and he sounds really pissed. Shit. “Sol, are you okay?”

“With… with him?!-“


“He would never-“

“Sol, you need to calm down-“



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