The End

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"Pleathe... pleathe don't hurt Dad," you start to beg as fear winds its way through your body.

"Or what?" Anne sneers, pressing the knife slightly deeper into Simon's neck as he whimpers beneath her.

"I'll do anything you want, take me inthtead, whatever, jutht- don't hurt him, let him go," you can feel tears pricking at your eyes and you angrily rub at them.

"That's cute," Marie grins as she and Gaderel stalk towards you. You instinctively take a step back, eyes flicking from your (very in danger) father to the (very scary and tall) lady in front of you. You can hear Eridan, Mit, and Cronus fearfully shuffling backwards as well, and you put an arm out, almost to protect them.

"Awww, that's cute. You think you can protect your family and theirs?" Marie's grin widens creepily as she leans down to look you in the face. "Right now, you're not safe. Even if you could escape, you wouldn't be safe. You can move across the entire country to escape, and you'd never be safe from us. You know too much and now you're a danger to us. You could go half-way across the globe and you'd never be able to-"

She's suddenly cut off by a thunking noise, and you watch in shock as she pauses, looking just as shocked as you are, before her eyes slide shut and she falls with a clunk to the floor. You jump back, staring down at her body, then look up to see- Jack Noir holding a baseball bat?

"Jack Noir?" you ask, obviously surprised, then take in an Asian woman holding Anne with an arm to her throat, Anne obviously furious and scratching away but not able to escape. Then you spot Orpheus, free of the ropes, and staggering back towards you guys, only to be stopped by a sudden growling.

Said growling is coming from Gaderel, who seems unpleasantly surprised to find himself alone with two incapacitated companions and is ready to take it out on the nearest person.

Jack Noir and your group quickly back away from that ticking bomb- you're not about to square up with the guy- but you stop when you see Orpheus's face turn from joy at seeing you all to anger as he stalks towards Gaderel.

"Dad, no!" Cronus cries out, and Mituna has to hold him back as Orpheus walks up and lands a solid punch right on Gaderel's jaw.

Everything pauses again, everyone shocked- including Gaderel, who was knocked back with the force of fury in the punch. He rubs at his jaw, and when he touches his lips, and his fingertips come back with blood on them- you can see the moment he sees red. He whirls back around and throws a punch at Orpheus, who- just as surprised at Gaderel's bloody lip- doesn't see it coming and takes the full force of it, stumbling back a few paces.

Then all hell breaks loose.

You watch as Orpheus yells and runs at Gaderel, body-slamming him- the best he can, Gaderel is big- into the nearby wall, Gaderel hitting the wall with a grunt. Orpheus reels back and tries to punch him in the stomach, but Gaderel is expecting it and grabs his hand, holding it while he uses his other hand to punch Orpheus in the face again.

"Dad!" Cronus calls out again, but it's too late to stop the fight at this point.

Orpheus takes the punch, ripping his hand from Gaderel's grip and using the moment Gaderel thinks he's won to punch him directly in the groin, making Gaderel keel over with an audible "oof". Orpheus takes advantage and uppercuts Gaderel, then kicks him back into the wall.

Gaderel hits the wall with another "oof", then turns red with anger and swipes for Orpheus, but while being stronger may give Gaderel an advantage, he doesn't have the advantage of speed that Orpheus does. Orpheus ducks out of the way and punches him in the guts, taking the breath from his lungs. Then he suddenly grabs for Jack Noir's baseball bat, and uses it to bash Gaderel in the side of the face.

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