The Chapter Where Stuff Happens

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Can I just say I'm super sorry for how late this is? Like super sorry D: With school starting and everything- seriously, I have so much homework, why?- and I recently got a cold and yeah, not fun stuff. Also, there is no sex in this chapter. Sorry. Maybe in later chapters, but not this chapter, nope. Well, enjoy, and hopefully the next one won't be so late!

15. The Chapter Where Stuff Happens


Your name is now Simon Captor, who you haven’t been for a while. Yeah, that makes sense. You’re currently at home, and you just got back from work. It’s been a long day, what with kids going to school and ghosts in your house and everything. You’re surprised you haven’t flipped your shit yet. Maybe the pressure of work and ghosts and more work will all build up and one day you’ll explode, but until then, you’ll be fine.

You don’t see anybody at home; that’s strange. Eh, whatever. You know Sollux and Eridan are supposed to be hacking, Cronus and Mituna are helping however, and Orpheus… Orpheus went to go check out the town hall a while ago. He left before you left for work. You hope he’s okay.

The house seems weirdly quiet, so you suppose everybody is out doing stuff in town. You go over to the fridge in the kitchen and get out sandwich materials, even though it’s almost dinner time. You’ll live.

Suddenly, Sollux walks in, looking furious. “Where the fuck did they go?” he snaps, and you jump, startled.

“Where did who go?” you ask, raising an eyebrow and pausing your making of your sandwich.

“Cronuth and Tuna,” he spits out, seething.

“Okay Sollux, you need to calm down. I don’t know where they went, and I didn’t even know they were going anywhere,” you say, putting your hands on his arms to try and calm him down.

“They went on a date, Dad!” Sollux says, obviously expecting you to get angry or something with the way he’s looking at you.

“Well, that’s good for them, then. Now calm down and get back to work,” you say as you pat him on the arm, then turn back to your sandwich to finish making it.

“You aren’t upthet?” Sollux asks incredulously.

You laugh and shake your head, “No, I’m not. If Tuna wants to go out with Cronus, then that’s his choice and that’s okay.”

“But Cronuth ith a douchebag!”

“Watch it, Sollux. He’s not, and he and Mituna will be fine. Now stop worrying and go bug Eridan instead,” you say, playfully nudging him and you finish up with your sandwich and start putting the materials away.

When you turn back, he’s still frowning, but looks kinda of guilty.

“What’s wrong?” you ask, raising an eyebrow?

“Nothing,” he mumbles, then leaves the room. You shrug and take your sandwich into the dining room, then eat it, wondering what’s up with Sollux. You were kidding when you told him to go bug Eridan, but he looked guilty for some reason. Maybe something happened between him and Eridan?

You’ll let him figure it out. Once you finish your sandwich, you put your plate away, the wonder what’s taking Orpheus so long. It’s been hours now. Maybe you should go check on him, if it gets to be too long. Maybe in an hour or two, if he’s not back yet, you’ll go to the town hall and check on him.

Meanwhile, you’ll hang out and watch TV or something.


Your name is Cronus Ampora, and you’re pretty damn happy. You just went on a date with Mituna Captor, the apple of your eye. You don’t completely understand that saying. Maybe the honeybee of your eye, since he likes bees so damn much. You’re overthinking this.

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