All the Assholes Know Each Other Now

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9. All the Assholes Know Each Other Now

Your name is Cronus Ampora, and wow it's been a long time since you've been… you. Yeah.

You're currently at the table with your father and your brother and the two Captor twins, who had explained what Aradia said about the Ampora incident. Aradia had already left with a promise that she'd be back tomorrow to work more on the project.

You don't know how you can take what the younger Captor told you. He said his "lady friend" (he's totally into her, but he insists they're just friends) told him what happened. You don't know how to take it. You were fine with accepting you were dead and getting over it, but now this? You just… ugh.

Introductions between the 5 of you came rather easy, once your dad got over the fact that the Captors knew about you guys and didn't want to move out, unlike the last people that tried to move in.

Funny story: They arrived at the house, unpacked everything, and walked in on Orpheus yelling at you two for going into town and harassing people. Needless to say, it was only an hour before they had re-packed their things and went away.

Another funny story: Unlike what most people think, ghosts can, in fact, move around and away from the place they died. Which is why you and Eridan had gone out to town, partly to explore what had changed since you had died, a little because your father forced you out because there were people moving in, but mostly to terrorize. Needless to say, your father wasn't very happy with you, and that's the not so funny part of the story.

Back to the present: your father is currently processing the information given to him by this scrawny nerd (it's what you call him, because that's what he is), judging by the look on his face. His face is all scrunched up, making his nose scrunched up, making his scars scrunched up.

"Well, I guess that's that. And you say no one will talk about it?" your father asks after a while, eyeing Sollux.

"Nope. I went to the library to rethearch thith whole thing, and the librarian, Aranea, gave me a lecture on not telling anyone," the scrawny nerd replies.

"Aranea?" Eridan perks up, and oh no. Shit, that's that one chick, huh? The chick that- oh. Oh.

"So you couldn't find anythin' at the library, huh?" you quickly cut him off, and he looks mildly hurt.

"Not a thing. Tuna and I thearched for hourth, though. I gueth I could try the thchool library, but I doubt they have anything either. AA did thay that they dethtroyed any recordth about it, though, tho I don't think we can find anything there, or anywhere. But I'm sure thomeone in the town knowth what happened, okay? And I will find out, I promithe you that," he says, a determined look in his eyes.

"That's a big thing you're promisin'," Eridan notes, raising his eyebrows.

"I think it'th pothible, if I get help from people, like Tuna, and Dad," Sollux replies, slapping the hand Mituna was offering him for a high-five.

"Speaking of your father," Orpheus interrupts, looking at Sollux and Mituna, "I met him today. He was back for his lunch break, I believe, and I walked into his room- well, I appeared in his room- and he was sitting there. He saw me before I could vanish, and so we talked a bit and then he left for work."

Talked a bit, huh? You smirk at him, and he deftly avoids eye contact with you as you raise your eyebrows suggestively.

"He'll be back in an hour or tho… I gueth we can disthcuth it with him then," Sollux points out.

"That's fine," Orpheus replies, then gets up and leaves the room. Everyone else follows suit, going in different directions. Now there's time to kill, waiting for the eldest Captor to get home from work.

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