Nearing the End

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Your name is Sollux and boy howdy are you upset. Your dad is no longer having a breakdown, but boy was that upsetting when it was happening. You've never seen him really... fall apart like that. At least, because you were too young to clearly remember him dealing with your mom's death- uh, your mom's fake death.

Also, you and Eridan definitely fucked in that closet and he isn't saying anything, or talking about it. You suppose it might be because he's a ghost and how are you going to get on from here- but you guess Cronus and Mituna are doing just fine, so whatever.

In the meantime, you're sneaking through the hallways, following your dad as he peeks around corners, then waves you and Eridan along. You're still avoiding the three villains after you, which Simon had already filled you in on, Marie and Gaderel and- your not-dead mom. Ugh, how fucked up.

And you're staying deadly quiet, because if any of them get even a hint that someone is in the hallway, they're going to come running-

A sudden shriek from Eridan nearly gives you a heart attack, and then you gather your common sense enough to slap your hand over his mouth. "What the fuck, dude?" you hiss at him, already listening for approaching footsteps.

He's breathing heavy, but calms down enough to say, "I thought I saw a snake but it was just some wiring on the floor," his eyes dart away from yours.

You look down to where he was looking before- yeah, just some wires, maybe from a computer or electrical work, you don't know. "Are you shitting me," you deadpan as quietly as you can, eyes closing as you repress a sigh.

"Both of you, cut it out," Simon chastises the two of you quietly, eyes conveying the most disappointed look he can muster. "Now keep an ear out for people coming-" he cuts himself off and all three of you seem to hear it- footsteps rapidly coming down the hallway you were about to turn into, maybe two or three pairs.

"Run," Simon hisses before darting in front of you and sprinting back down the hallway, looking back to make sure the two of you were following.

You were, and so is Eridan after you smack him on the arm and get running, trying hard to not look behind you because you're terrified of what you're going to see, you're going to have nightmares for months if you make it out of this alive, of running down long corridors with the scary lady and the scary dude and your mom after you-

And you just can't help but take a glance back when you get near the end of the hallway, and stop dead in your tracks.

"Are you shitting me," you say for probably the millionth time today.

"Why aren't you running-" Simon starts to whisper-yell back to you, then stops too.

"Hey guyth!" Mituna waves from the end of the hall, Cronus standing next to him and trying to look like he doesn't care about what's happening, but ten seconds later is walking down the hallway to give Eridan a hug, mumbling, "I'd know that dumb girly scream anywhere."

Mituna comes over and gives you and Simon an enthusiastic hug (as all his hugs are), but things turn serious as your dad turns to all of you.

"So, we need to get out of here. We're missing Orpheus, but last I saw him he turned invisible so he should be fine, maybe even on his way back home. Let's get out of here, but if we see anything suspicious or Orpheus- related on the way, we can stop and look for him, okay? Now, let's get going, because I'm sure everyone within five miles heard that yell," Simon teases last, smiling at Eridan, who flushes and looks down.

Simon gives a thumbs up, then starts moving through the hallways like he was before, looking around corners before moving on.

As you're hurriedly walking by one, you take the chance to peek out of a window to see where you are, and it seems somehow you've ended up on what looks like the second or third floor. How even-

"Hey, at some point we should be going down some stairs," you murmur to your father, now keeping an eye out for anything that looks like an elevator or a stairs sign.

He nods back at you, but then you hear muffled shouting coming from up ahead. You exchange a frantic look with Simon, but he just keeps going towards the noise, obviously concerned if it's Orpheus. Cute.

As you get closer to the noise, you get more and more worried- it sounds like there's a woman, but not your mom, maybe the big scary lady, saying some stuff you can't quite make out, but you can at least recognize the teasing tilt to her voice-

Ah, so it's the big scary lady.

You mouth that to Simon, who nods.

"Vwait, that can't be Marie," Cronus murmurs from somewhere behind you. "Vwe just knocked her out vwith a monitor."

"Gueth she got back up quick from that," Mituna grumbles in response.

You have no clue what's going on and so you ignore that, just to glimpse what looks like Orpheus tied up getting dragged down the end of the hallway by one person with two other people- probably your mom and the two others. You all immediately flatten yourselves against the wall, hoping to not get spotted- the hallway you're in ends in a T, and so hopefully they'll pass quickly and not notice.

No such luck, you suppose.

Anne- your own mom- spots you, then shouts to get her companions' attention and starts running towards you.

"The thcary lady has a thword!" Mituna manages to yell before you're all turning around, not wanting to confront your three enemies. Cowardly, maybe, but Mituna just said that lady had a sword, so fuck that shit you're out.

It's too little too late as Anne catches up to Simon first, tackling him to the floor and pinning him there. You gasp and stop, briefly debating between running away and helping, which you immediately feel shitty about because that's your father and you start running towards him, then stop dead in your tracks again when she whips out a knife and holds it to your father's throat.

Holy shit.

You can feel Eridan, Mituna, and Cronus's presence behind you, but you're frozen, helpless to do anything as your mom digs into your dad's skin enough to prick it and start a trickle of blood down his neck.

Marie and Gaderel catch up to where Anne and Simon are on the floor at that moment, and Marie is chuckling. "Well, well, well! I thought we got to catch one stray ghost, but turns out we get three stray ghosts AND three people who know far more than they should," she turns to you with a wide grin that gives you the shivers.


remember when i said this chapter would be a doozy??? haha psych!! i got busy with work and so here is this chapter, while my goal is to finish this whOLE story by november 2nd. yes, you heard me. finish it because that's my goal is to just finish one thing so!! there. so it could be out in two days, it could be out the 2nd, it could be out after that who knows! i don't. i hope you enjoyed this chapter tho bc boy howdy do things get hot up in here from here on out!!

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