More Jealousy, And A Change In Perspective

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11. More Jealousy, And A Change In Perspective

Your name is now Cronus Ampora, and you had fun watching your father talk to Eridan about the whole Sollux thing. You laughed at him- he was definitely checking out Sollux’s ass. And he could have Sollux all he wanted; no, you were after his twin, Mituna. Sure, Sollux was cute, you’d admit that because they’re twins, but Mituna is his own brand of cute. He’s enthusiastic, and excitable, and fuckin’ cute when he’s sleeping… not that you watch him when he’s sleeping.

But he’s always going out with “Tula”, whom you’ve gathered is Latula, and so you wouldn’t have a chance there. You guess this is what Eridan feels like. It’s been at least a week since you four went out to explore town… but Mituna’s been going out with his new friends more and more often.

But whatever. You’re just waiting for him to get back, you guess, but it’s pretty damn boring. So instead you go over to Erida- fuck, Sollux’s room, you keep forgetting it’s not his anymore. It’s been too long since it was actually your father’s house, so you could call the master bedroom Orpheus’s bedroom, and your bedroom Cronus’s bedroom, and Eridan’s bedroom was Eridan’s bedroom. Damn.

Whatever. You sigh and go over to Eridan’s room, but when you arrive, you find Eridan sulking outside. The door’s closed.

“Um, vwhat’s goin’ on, chief?” you ask, raising an eyebrow and shifting your cigarette to the other side of your mouth.

“Sol kicked me out yesterday an’ hasn’t let me back in since then,” he grumbles sullenly, looking down at the floor, his arms around his knees pressed close to his chest.

You can’t help but snort, taking out your cigarette to not lose it. “You’re tellin’ me that scrawny fuckin’ nerd kicked you, a powerful ghost that could be in his room regardless a’ vwhat he vwanted, out a’ his room?”

“Shut up, Cro,” he sulks some more, staring defiantly at the floor.

You snort again and say, “You gotta teach these humans some respect, chief. They ain’t gonna respect ya if ya just roll ovwer for them vwhen they tell you to. I’m goin’ in an’ havwin’ a talk vwith him.”

Before Eridan can protest, you stroll straight through the door and you can’t even believe it.

There’s soda cans and empty chip bags everywhere, and clothes strewn about, and all the lights are off. You wouldn’t even be able to see the mess everywhere if it hadn’t been for the computer screen light, with a silhouette on it which looks suspiciously like Sollux. You go over to him, trying to avoid the piles of oh my god you swear something just moved, and go to the side of his desk.

He doesn’t acknowledge you.

You sigh and poke him. “Hey. Hey chief.”


He just keeps typing.

You frown and ask, “Vwhy’d ya kick my little bro out?”

He still doesn’t respond.

You sigh and say, “Look, man-“

“Shut the fuck up.”

You freeze, shocked. Those words seem to have come out of his mouth, yes, but he didn’t turn to look at you, or acknowledge you at all. “Um… vwhat vwas that you just said?” you ask, just to make sure, awkwardly scratching the back of your neck.

“I thaid shut the fuck up. I’m buthy,” and that’s all you get out of him for the next 10 minutes you try to talk to him. Time to up your game.

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