Sakura versus Tenten

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   The crowd was still buzzing with excitement after the previous match had ended, and it wasn't looking like it was going to end anytime soon. Even though the next two participants weren't exactly well known names. The audience did know who they were, and they were looking to forward to seeing what the students of two of Konaoha's top Jonin had to offer. If the continues buzz in the air was anything to go off of, then this match should be as good as expected if not better.

   'It's time to show everyone how much you've improved Sakura.' Kakashi thought to himself as he put away his book, and placed his full attention on his students' match. Which was about to get underway as Sakura and Tenten stood across from each other awaiting the proctors' signal to start.

   Once he finally gave the signal Tenten started off fast throwing a flurry of Kunai and shuriken at Sakura. Who managed to dodge all of them minus one with some minor difficulty. The one she didn't dodge managed to score a scratch on her leg. Sakura didn't have a chance to think about it or look at her leg as Tenten had begun her second flurry. Sakura began to run and dodge as Tenten continue to fling kunai and shuriken at her.

   Tenten looked to be having the time of her life, if the smile on her face was any indication. Sakura was running circles around her in her attempts to dodge her kunai. Tenten however saw this as nothing more than target practice, and a pretty easy and predictable target at that. She was used to training against Neji who could see everything that she was throwing at him, from every direction. Sakura certainly was no Neji, although to this point she was doing a surprisingly good job of dodging and avoiding the weapons being thrown at her. Tenten would give her credit, but credit wasn't good enough, as the next three kunai hit their mark. Two of them scratching each of her arms, and one of them burying itself into her shoulder blade.

   Up in the participants booth, Naruto and Sasuke were cheering for their teammate. Well Naruto was cheering, Sasuke looked as though he was a bundle of nerves, as his leg wouldn't stop shaking, and he was currently biting his nails. He was obviously anxious to see if his teammate would come out of this match in relatively one piece, but at the moment things weren't looking too good for her.

   Back down on the field, Sakura had been forced down to a knee as more of Tenten's weapons had scratched, cut, or knicked her. She was bent over in pain as she dislodged a shuriken from her left calf. She was about to continue running again until she heard Tenten pull out a sealing scroll and proceed to send its contents hurling in her direction. Thinking fast Sakura quickly went through the hand signs for her mud wall technique. She slammed her hands to the ground in the knick of time as the wall popped up just in time to catch or deflect all of the weapons that Tenten had thrown from her scroll.

   'So that's your plan, well we'll see how it works out then.' Kakashi thought to himself as he continued to watch the student he had spent the past month training. As he thought this he reached up and pulled up his hitai-ite, wanting to watch the rest of the match with his sharingan.

   Back on the field Sakura had managed to create herself a few seconds to breathe and restrategize. Thinking quickly she figured out a plan that might work. Dropping the mud wall, and ignoring the various weapons that clattered to the ground  as a result, she ran at Tenten, who seemed shocked at first but quickly got over it. As she sent another volley of shuriken at Sakura was stunned when all of them not only missed but greatly missed. This shocked quite a few other people as well, especially Tenten's teammate Rock Lee. Who knew that Tenten had spent her life training and honing in on her skills with weapons. She had dedicated her life to being as proficient with as many weapons as possible. She had practiced her aim day and night, not stopping until she was completely out of kunai and shuriken. Her aim had gotten so good that she was able to compete with most Uchiha in shurikenjutsu. And she had just completely missed a easy target, no something was very wrong here.

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