𝟯𝟭 art of washing off *

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𝟯𝟭art of washing off

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art of washing off

𝟯𝟭art of washing off

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Happiness was a butterfly that Trinity never tried to catch. She knew that the butterfly would eventually find its way to her, gracing her with its undeniable presence by landing on the tip of her nose.

That was what Allison Shoupe had told Trinity years ago while trying to console her daughter about her decision to stop her chemotherapy.

As difficult as it'd been to believe her mother's words when she had to watch her slowly deteriorate right in front of her eyes, she'd promised her mom that she wouldn't be angry about being dealt a shitty hand. That she'd be patient and wait for happiness to find her.

So Trinity waited. And waited. And fucking waited. All her waiting had amounted to was standing by as her brother got into coma. Even after Tristan's accident, however, Trinity hung onto her mother's words- be patient. Be patient.

But then she'd gone out of her way to go skinny dipping... and vandalize a property with spray paint... and crash a Kook party... and smoke weed.... and get a tattoo... and let a boy touch her in places no one had ever before...

On paper, they'd all been cheap thrills. In the moment, they'd made Trinity feel all sorts of emotions. And in memory, they'd become her strength. She could now be patient for a more eternal sort of happiness to find her now that she'd come out of her shell and accepted that feeling everything was what living was all about.

She couldn't live the rest of her life scared of feeling hurt, sad, hopeless, and scared. She'd never know happiness even if it landed right on the tip of her nose that way.

But now that she'd let go of her fears, she'd found happiness despite the universe being cruel to her by taking both her mother and brother away from her. She still had people in her life who cared about her more than anything. She still had people in her life who wanted to put a smile on her face more than anything.

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