Chapter 3: One More Thing

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"Bye Joseph," the make-up artist said as he was leaving the trailer. It had been a grueling day of filming. He pulled out his phone as he and his assistant made their way to the car to go back to their apartment.

He began typing out a message to Whitney. He knew she had to leave early because she had a call she had to do.

"Whitney Daniels' assistant asked when you'd be free to shoot her music video. I said you have a day or two next week they don't need you. Does that work for you?" his assistant asked.

"Brilliant," he answered.

Joe: Hi Whitney. It's Joe. Sorry I missed you tonight, but it was great seeing you again.

Whitney was lying in her hotel room watching a movie when she looked down and saw a number she definitely didn't recognize. She opened the text and read the message and she smiled.

Whitney: Hi Joe! Sorry I had to leave, I had a call with a TV show. Thanks for agreeing to being in my music video and also sorry for Stacey saying what she said, SMH

Joe: It's fine, I was flattered actually.

Whitney: That's a relief LOL

Joe wanted to type back to her; he thought she was gorgeous, but he felt like maybe that was too much.

Whitney: Hey look I have to get some sleep. I have a show tomorrow night but have a great day of filming. :)

Joe: Sweet Dreams

"How's my shooting schedule for tomorrow?" he asked.

"You're done at 5 if they stay on schedule. Why?"

"Great. Do you think we can get tickets to Whitney's show?"

"Um, I can see what her assistant says and let you know."


Stacey sat opposite of Whitney in her dressing room the next night at her second sold out show in Atlanta. She had gotten a phone call from Joe's assistant that morning asking about tickets for tonight's show and she was happy to oblige, giving them passes again. She hadn't told Whtiney because Joe said he wanted it to be a surprise.

"Stacey, there are some flowers here for Whitney," someone said, walking in the dressing room with a bouquet of pink roses.

"Who are those from?" Whitney asked, walking over to the vase that now sat on the counter.

Break a leg tonight.

Joseph Quinn

"And?" Stacey asked.

"Um, Joseph," Whitney replied.

"Oh shit, someone has a crush," Stacey said with a mischievous smile on her face.

"He's just being nice. I literally just met the guy."

"You say that until he sees what the premise of your music video is about."

"Wait, what? I thought I'd be singing and he's just there and I'm watching him?"

"Nope. They want you to be a couple and there's some kissing involved."

"Stacey, what the fuck did you do?!?" Whitney asked.

"Helping out my best friend. Girl, I've never seen you act the way around someone like you did when you met Joe. Someone needs to push you in the right direction."

"Thanks, Stace," Whitney replied, hugging her best friend. There was a knock on the door. Stacey pulled back and walked over to open it.

"Oh yeah, one more thing," she started. Whitney looked at her confused and Joseph came walking through the door.

"Joe, what are you doing here?" she asked.

"Well, we got done shooting early and I thought I'd come check out your show since you put a hell of one on."

"I', thank you. Thank you for the flowers as well."

"You're welcome."

"Whitney, it's time," Stacey said. Whitney nodded and Joe gave her a hug before she left the room as he followed her and her group to the stage.

"Crush it, Whit," Stacey said. Whitney nodded and looked over and saw Joe. He gave her a smile and that ignited energy in her, she would have never imagined. 

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