Chapter 7: You Smile, I Smile

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Whitney sat on her bus as they drove to Nashville for this weekend's shows. She was scrolling her phone in her own world, replaying last night when she was with Joe.

"Earth to Whitney," Stacey said, snapping her fingers in front of her face.

"What?" she asked. Stacey looked down at Whitney's phone and then back at her.

"Just what I thought," she said.

"And what do you think exactly?" Whitney asked.

"You really like him. Either that or you're an obsessed Stan. Hell maybe both," Stacey replied.

"For fucks sake, Stace. Yes I do like him." She looked around to make sure her band wasn't listening. "I also wanted last night to go further than it did. It came pretty damn close too."

"I told you something would come out of last night," Stacey said. Whitney's phone pinged and she looked down to see a text from Joe.

Joseph: Hi beautiful

Whitney: Hi handsome

Joseph: How's the drive to Nashville?

Whitney: Not too bad. It's only like 4 hours. How's filming? Still tired from me keeping you out all night LOL

Joseph: Great. I'm in between scenes right now and no it was well worth it. I can't stop thinking about it if I'm being honest

Whitney: Is that so?

Joseph: I wish I didn't have to leave

Whitney: Me either...

Joseph: Let me fix that. That date I asked about, how does Tuesday night sound?

Whitney: Perfect

Even though they couldn't see each other, they both had the biggest smiles on their faces as they texted.

As they arrived in Nashville, Whitney went straight to rehearsals for her shows. As she was working on a press release, her phone began to ring.

"Hello?" she answered.

"Stacey, it's Joseph Quinn," the voice on the other end of the phone said. "My assistant gave me your number."

"Um, ok. What can I do for you Joseph?"

"I was wondering if you can help me surprise Whitney? I'm actually off this weekend with some changes in shooting and I wanted to come see her big show in Nashville, but also take her on a date. Can you help? Since I don't live here, I'm still trying to maneuver the area."

Stacey was kind of in shock from what he had just asked, but she was happy to oblige. "Absolutely. Are you flying up?"

"I can. My assistant said she'd help me get all that set-up and a place to stay. I just need to get to the show and maybe a suggestion of where to take Whitney for dinner."

"Don't worry Joseph, I got you." 

Colors of You--A Joseph Quinn Storyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن