Chapter 18: The Secrets We Keep

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Joseph walked into his apartment after a long day of filming. He threw his keys down and grabbed a drink out of the fridge, before scrolling his phone on what he had missed. He saw Whitney had re-posted his photo and everyone was going crazy about it. His phone began to ring and he saw it was his Mom.

"Hi Mum," he answered.

"Hi love, how is it going?" she asked.

"Just got home from filming. We're almost done with shooting. The media will come later."

"That's good to hear. I'm calling about something else...," she started.

"I'm going to assume it has something to do with the photo I posted last night?"

"Is she the girl you've mentioned before?" she asked.

"Yes she is. Mum, she makes me so happy."

"I'd say so if you posted on social media since you don't really tell anyone about your private life. Is she coming home with you when you're done filming?"

"I wish, but she has a new album coming out and some media with that. I might see if she can come out to visit if her schedule allows, but it's still up in the air."

"We'd love to meet her."

"I want that too Mum. I've got to go."

"Bye Joseph. Love you."

"Love you too Mum."

He opened his text to Whitney, knowing she probably wouldn't reply right away.

Joseph: I just wanted to tell you I miss you and that I love you

He set his phone down and laid his head back against the couch. His family wanted to meet Whitney. That was a big step, even for him. Sure, other girlfriends had met his family, but this was an American girl who had more fame than him, not another English girl who acted in the theater with him. Once he saw her next, maybe he'd bring up her visiting.

Whitney had been recording all day. She had added three additional songs to her new album, so she was trying to get them recorded in time for them to make the initial album. When she finally looked at her phone, she saw Joseph had texted her. The words she read made her smile and as she sat on the couch listening to the playbacks.

"What does Eddie Munson have to say?" Stacey joked.

"Just that Vecna is back," Whitney answered sarcastically.

"Very funny. Seriously, if this dude ever hurts you after how happy you've been, one he'll have his own Dateline episode and two, I hate to hear the songs you'd record about him."

"Lord, I hope that doesn't happen, but I also know anything can happen. I'm living in the damn moment for now until it changes."

"Just stay positive, Whit. Luckily you only have a few more shows and then you're done."

"Yeah and then my manager can take a damn vacation with her boyfriend," Whitney answered with a smile.

"You're damn right," Stacey replied. "And my best friend can hopefully spend some time being happy."

"Oh don't you start that," Whitney replied as tears began to pool in her eyes. She leaned over and hugged Stacey.

The engineers walked out for a moment and Stacey turned to look at Whitney. "What?" Whitney asked, knowing Stacey wanted to ask something more private.

"I'm your best friend, but there's one thing I just realized you haven't mentioned about Joseph."

"What's that?" Whitney asked.

"Does he know about your parents or asked about your family?" Stacey asked. Whitney's curious smile quickly went away and she got really serious.

"It hasn't come up, but I guess I figured it says they're not alive on my Wikipedia page so what's the point in bringing it up."

"Um, Whit, that's a pretty important conversation to have with him."

"Can we not talk about this right now?" Whitney asked as she got up from the couch and walked out. She walked into the bathroom and looked in the mirror, tears streaming down her face. Her parents and her family were a conversation she rarely brought up because it hurt too much.

Maybe he needs to know. Maybe he doesn't. 

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