Chapter 5: Music Video

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**Note. Listen to the song above to get an idea of the story layout below**

The next morning, Whitney and Stacey pulled up to the location outside of Atlanta where they would be filming the music video.

"You ready cranky pants?" Stacey asked, getting out of the car.

"I'm still drinking my coffee, can you please lay off?"

"Nope. It's filming day and Joe will be here a little later. We have to get you into make-up and clothes, so move it." Whitney rolled her eyes as she got out of the car and followed Stacey to the trailer.

As the day was in full swing, Whitney began shooting some stand-one shots of just her singing. While they were filming and doing playbacks, Stacey got a ding on her phone from Joe's assistant, saying they were here. She went and met them.

"Good morning Joseph," Stacey said.

"Morning," he replied with a smile.

"We have Whitney doing some stand-one shooting right now, but if you want to head to the trailer for wardrobe and make-up, we can go from there."

"Sounds good," he replied, looking over at where Whitney was shooting. Her hair was blowing in the wind and she was smiling as she was singing. Damn she's stunning.

A little while later, they had Joe and Whitney staged together.

"Alright you two, we're going to have you behind the wheel of this truck and you're going to have fun with it. Ultimately, you'll end up back here and just act along to the song. Sound good?"

"Yep," they both answered. They got Joe behind the wheel of the truck as Whitney jumped in the passenger seat as they began to take off and the music began to play.

And you said, I've been waiting on this moment. All day, it's all that I wanted.

They looked at each other as the wind blew through the open windows, Joe reaching over and interlacing their hands.

And I said, while you're at it, pull off and turn the radio down low

Cause all night we have it

Whitney sang looking out the window and then back at Joe.

Grab a blanket out the back, wrap me up in the flatbed.

When they finally got back to the original shooting spot, the crew staged the truck bed with blankets like it was mentioned in the song.

"Alright you two, we're going to have you cuddled up in the bed of the truck and then things are going to get steamy." Whitney looked over at Stacey who had the biggest grin on her face.

The music began to play again as Whitney began to sing. Without even being asked, Joe wrapped his arms around her and interlaced their hands.

You can take your time pulling me in close. I hear everything that you're saying. Your hands are speaking my language.

"You're beautiful," he whispered in her ear, making her smile. She leaned up and his hand cupped her face, kissing her. She knew they were acting, but she gave herself into Joe as he deepened the kiss probably more than they should have.

"And cut," the director yelled. Joe and Whitney pulled back and they just looked at each other. Joe's thumb, caressing her face.

"Alright, just a couple more frames to shoot, but let's take a short break."

Joe got up and helped Whitney off the truck. "Thank you," she said to him as they made their way over to grab a drink. "Thank you again Joe for being in my video. It means a lot."

"Absolutely," he replied. If anyone could have seen them in that moment, the sexual tension was so thick you you cut it with a knife.

"Um, I need to get something off my bus, I'll be right back," she said. She walked over to the bus and closed the door behind her to catch her breath. If she could, she'd jump Joe at any given moment. He tasted like mint and cigarettes and she closed her eyes and replayed their kiss.

She went to leave her bus and saw Joe off to the side, smoking a cigarette. "All good?" He asked.

"Yep," she answered. She wasn't paying attention and missed a step and slipped. Joe quickly put out his cigarette and ran over to her.

"Are you ok?" He asked. His hand cupping her face, his eyes filled with worry.

"I'm ok," she breathed. He helped her to her feet and to her surprise, he kissed her. She opened her mouth as his tongue slipped in as she pinned them to the side of her bus. Whitney's fingers tangled in his curly hair as his hand stayed on her face.

"Alright everyone," they heard, making them pull apart. Both were breathless.

"I guess we...," Whitney started. He shook his head.

"Whitney, can you stand here and we're going to shoot you right here with some wind and the headlights and then we'll have you and Joe kiss again."

The music began to play and Whitney sang, staring at Joe and the camera.

"And cut. Joe, can you join Whitney in front of the truck? Just play around like a couple who are falling in love and then end with a kiss. This will end up being a sequence."

Joe did as he was told and joined Whitney and they said action. Whitney started and jumped on his back as he looked back at her. He set her down and she ran from him and he caught her by the waist and pulled her to him, his hand cupping her face as he kissed her, the headlights shown bright behind them. Whitney was lost in her own world as she and Joseph continued to practically make-out until the director yelled cut.

"That's perfect. Whitney, would you like to take a look?" She dropped her arms from around Joseph and walked over to where the screen was.

"Good work," Stacey said, handing Joseph a water.

"Thanks," he replied, his eyes still on Whitney.

"Don't worry, she likes you too," she said, catching him off guard.

"Good to know. He looked at the time on his phone and saw it was 9. He knew it was late, but he wanted to hang out with her.

She came walking back over to where Joseph stood with Whitney. "Everything looks great. Joseph, really thank you for being in my video. It was so much fun."

"I appreciate you asking me and having me. My first country concert and music video in a 2 week period," he said with a laugh. She began to walk off, but he stopped her.

"Whitney, listen. I know it's late, but would you like to grab some food?"

"Sure. If it makes it easier, I have food on my bus. We don't have to have people drive us or anything, but only if you want to."

"That works great. Let me let my assistant know." Joseph walked over to where his assistant was talking to Stacey.

"Whitney and I are going to have dinner on her bus so we can have some privacy," he started. Stacey excused herself and went over to the bus where Whitney was inside.

"So are you planning on asking Joseph how his Eddie side is?"

"Would you stop? I suggested the bus because it's here and we don't have to worry about people interrupting us."

"Yeah, ok," Stacey said with a smile. Joseph knocked on the door as Stacey went to leave and he walked in. "See you later, Whit." Whitney let out a little wave as she searched her cabinet for food. 

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