Chapter 15: While You're At It Music Video Premiere

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The following week, Whitney was on CMT's weekly countdown as she got ready for her music video to drop.

"Welcome back folks! We have a special treat for you. Superstar Whitney Daniels is here to share not only her new single with everyone who hasn't heard it, but also the music video. Can you tell us a little about it before we premiere it?" Cody Alan asked.

"Thanks Cody. I'm super excited for everyone to see it. So it's a funny story of how it all came together. I was in Atlanta doing two sold out shows at the area and we had been in search of a love interest for the music video. Come to find out, the cast of Stranger Things was at the show and I got to meet them and I won't give away who yet, but one of them is in the music video. We filmed it outside Atlanta because obviously diehard fans would know, they're filming the new season and our actor had to get back."

"That sounds intriguing. Would you like to introduce your video?"

"Sure. Hi I'm Whitney Daniels and this is the world premiere of my music video and brand new single "While You're At It" right now on the CMT Top 20 Countdown."

Meanwhile in Atlanta, Joseph and some of his fellow cast members were on a break. They had a phone set up with CMT, hooked up to a TV so they could watch Whitney's music video. The music flowed out of the TV as the video sequences played.

"OMG Joseph, you and Whiney," Sadie started.

"Dude you two really went for it," Joe Keery joked. Joseph watched the screen and that day flashed through his mind as he knew it was the start of what he and Whitney had. Her face showed up on the screen singing the last few lines of the song and he knew he couldn't wait to have that girl in his arms.

"Damn mate, you two have something really special," Jamie said, coming up behind them, catching the end of the music video.

"Thanks mate. She'll actually be here later in the week. She has a few days off," Joseph replied.

"A bunch of us were thinking about going to some outdoor concert and fireworks at this park. You guys should come!" Natalia suggested.

"That sounds like a good time. I'll ask Whitney," Joseph said.

After back to back interviews at CMT and then an interview on the radio show at Bridgestone Arena, Whitney was worn out. They had brought her bus back to Nashville since after her days off, she'd have to record some final songs for the album. As she laid in her bed, she watched the music video and the more she saw, the harder she was falling. Her phone began to ring and she saw it was Joseph on Facetime and she answered.

"Hi!" she answered with a big smile.

"Hi sweetheart! How was your day?"

"Really busy, but really good. How about you?"

"Just a lot of filming. Funny enough, some of us got a chance to watch your music video on CMT this afternoon."

"You did? Ya'll had time to watch it?" Whitney asked, surprised.

"We did. Everyone loved it and I think it came out amazing. I'm really grateful and thankful you had me in it."

"Well you were the only choice I wanted, but it was a matter of whether your schedule was available or if you had a girlfriend," she said.

"Good thing you asked, because look at us now," he answered with a smile.

"Look at us now," she answered. There was a beat of silence before Whitney spoke. "I'll be there on Friday. Not sure what your schedule is like, but let me know."

"I will. I need to check the call sheet for Friday. Also, a bunch of the cast were going to this concert and firework show in the park on Saturday. Would you want to do that?"


"It's settled then. Not sure if you have a place to stay, but you can stay at my place."

"I hadn't gotten that far yet, but that sounds perfect." Joseph looked at Whitney and knew she was exhausted and to be honest so was he. "Get some sleep princess. I'll talk to you tomorrow."

"Ok, you too sweetheart." She blew him a kiss and he returned the gesture.

Friday couldn't get here fast enough.

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