Chapter 4: Surprise Guest

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"Thank you Atlanta, you are the best!" Whitney said from the stage as Joe watched her.

"Like what you see?" Stacey asked with a laugh, standing right next to him.

"Pardon?" he asked.

"The way you look at her, is the way she looked at you filming the other day, so sweet. Also, I'm that straightforward best friend and assistant so sorry if what I say comes out before I can stop it."

"It's ok, but yes she's amazing. I'm not a huge country fan, but she's got some great music. She also can put on a hell of a show."

"That's Whitney for you." Joe went back to watching her and even though he was a very private person and not much into jumping into things head first, he wanted to ask her to dinner to see where this might go.

Whitney finished the show and was rushed back to her dressing room to cool down before she went back to her hotel.

"Great job tonight, superstar," Stacey said as she handed her a bottle of water.

"Thanks, it was super fun, but dude I'm tired."

"Understood," Stacey replied, typing something into her phone. The door to the dressing room was open and Whitney looked up and saw Joe there.

"Great show," he said. "I just wanted to stop by and say that before we headed out. Thank you Stacey for the tickets."

"You're welcome. I think my phone is ringing, sorry I have to take this," she said, getting up and leaving the room. Whitney gave her a stare, knowing what she was doing.

"I didn't expect to see you tonight, but it was a welcomed surprise. Do you want water or anything?"

"I'm good," he replied, shoving his hands into his jean pockets. Whitney looked at him and how adorable he was. He had on nice jeans and a white collared shirt with his curly hair pushed back some.

"So Joe, if Stacey hasn't already, I'll give you the heads up about what I found out about my music video. Apparently they changed the premise of it and now instead of me just looking at you and singing, we have to kiss as well. Are you ok with that?"

His big brown eyes never left hers as she said the words. "I'm fine with that, anything you need me to do. I do have to get going though, early day of shooting tomorrow." He closed the space between them and gave her a hug and kissed her cheek. "Goodnight beautiful."

Joe left Whitney in her dressing room and Stacey immediately ran in. "So, what happened?!"

"We talked. I told him we'd have to kiss in my music video and he said it was fine. He kissed my cheek and called me beautiful."

"Girl, the look on your face. I haven't seen you smile like that in a while or if ever."

"What can I say, I feel like Joe has that effect on me."

Later that day, Joe was scrolling his phone while he was waiting for his next scene. He decided to text Whitney and see what she was up to.

Joe: How's it going?

Whitney: Hi! It's going. Up in North Carolina for a couple shows then back to shoot my music video and then the big concerts in Nashville. How's filming?

Joe: Good. Waiting for my next scene right now. Listen, when you come back next week and our schedules allow, can I take you to dinner?

Whitney: I'd love that :)

Joe: Brilliant. Can't wait

"Stacey, Stacey," Whitney shouted to the other room.

"What?" her friend asked, clearly annoyed.

"Joe asked me on a date, well I think he did," she said, showing her the phone.

"That's exactly what that is. First, he texts you just to check in and then asks you to dinner. Maybe next he can show you his Eddie Munson side."

"Why are you the way that you are?" Whitney asked.

"Because I am and you love me, that's all that matters."

"Yeah, yeah."

Joe was in the make-up trailer the following day with Jamie.

"So mate, I heard you're going to be in a music video," he said as they put his Vecna make-up on.

"How did you hear about that?" Joe asked.

"Gaten and Sadie were talking about it and I overheard. They said something about you two that couldn't stop smiling at each other when she came to set the other day." Joe shook his head.

"I mean we were talking, that's about it."

"Well mate, music videos are fun so I hope you have a great time with it."

"Thanks mate," Joe replied. 

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