Chapter 17

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Yad - Erick Lundmoen (slowed)

 After we hung up I'm left thinking about my mom and how I may have another part of my family I've never met

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After we hung up I'm left thinking about my mom and how I may have another part of my family I've never met. I drive home in a mix of emotions.

I don't know how to feel about possibly having another family and being unaware of it. I stop for Wendy's because I know this can possibly be a LONG conversation and who's gonna pass up Wendy's. I get a biggie bag.

(AN: A Biggie Bag is just nuggets, fries, any burger you want, and any drink you want)

I munch on my fries as I drive to the house. Once I reach the house I park, grab my food and walk to the door. I pause at the door, take a deep breath and turn the knob. As I walk in it isn't loud but it isn't quiet.

I walk to the kitchen and see all of our parents talking but I didn't see my dad so, I walked to the living room. Almost everyone was there but a few weren't and neither was my dad. I know there's one other place he could be.

His office

I walk up to his office with my food of course and I knock. "Come in." He says and I walk in. He was doing some paperwork and looked up. His face lit up as he saw me and he smiled. I gave him a small smile and sat down in the chair in front of his desk.

"Hi Principessa, what brings you to my office?" He leans back in his chair. "Hey Papà, I came here because I have a question" I pull out any extra burger I got and give it to him, which he gladly took.

Then I pull out my chicken nuggets and sauce. "Okay, what's your question?" He eyed me suspiciously while biting his burger. I sip my lemonade and set it down bracing myself.

"This might come off as weird but, do you know mom's last name before you got married?" I carefully ask. I see grief, confusion, and a bunch of other emotions pass in his eyes.

After a long pause he answers. "Hernandez, why?" I pause my eating and brace myself before asking my next question.

"Is there a chance that she is the lost daughter of Santiago and Carmen Hernandez?" A look of shock and confusion goes across his face but he covers it up. "It's possible but unlikely." He shrugged.

I wanted to ask more but I decided against it. We talk for a little bit more and I excuse myself to go shower. After I'm done I sit on my bed and think about everything for a little bit.

Then I remember movie night with Adrian, Ezra, Leon, and Oliver. Just as I walk downstairs they walk in the door. I smile. "Hey guys, ready for movie night?" I ask.

"Hey Cugino piccolo, I'm absolutely ready." Oliver grins and runs off to probably get the popcorn.

(Little Cousin)

Adrian rolls his eyes, looks at me then smiles and gives me a hug.

"Hey Piccola sorella, I'm ready!" He walks off to probably yell at Oliver to not eat all the snacks.

(Little Sister)

Leon walks up, smiles, and gives me a hug.

"Hey Zucca, of course I'm ready." He walks off to possibly save Oliver from Adrian.


Lastly Ezra walks up and gives me a hug.

"Hey Caro, I'm always ready." He smiles, walks to the theater, and I follow behind him.


As soon as we walk in I see Oliver with a grin and a bunch of snack in a seat. Then I see an irritated Adrian glaring at him. Leon is just sitting next to them watching them with a bowl of popcorn.

Me and Ezra look at each other, back at them, shrug, and go sit down. I sit with Adrian on my left and Leon on my right. Oliver is next Leon and Ezra is next to Adrian.

I put on Thor: Ragnarok because Thor is such a good superhero but I love Iron man too.

( AN: If you don't watch Marvel movies you can leave, there's the door 👉🏾🚪 )

We watch a bunch of marvel movies, talk and laugh about random things until it got late and everyone decided to call it a night. We say our goodbyes and I go to my room and chill for a bit.

Then I call Sage. "Hello." He says. "Hey Sage." I sigh. "Hey, Ты нашел ее фамилию?" He asks.

(Did you find her last name?)

"Да, я был прав, это был Эрнандес. Я думаю, что она их дочь." I replied as I lay back on my bed

(Yes, I was right, it was Hernandez. I think she's their daughter.)

"Мы не знаем наверняка." He sighs.

(We don't know for sure.)

"Думаю, каким-то образом мы должны сделать ДНК-тест с ней и испанской мафией." I suggest.

(I think somehow we should do a DNA test with her and the Spanish mafia.)

"Хорошо, и как заставить испанскую мафию согласиться на тест?" He question.

(Okay, and how do we get the Spanish mafia to agree to the test? )

"Я думаю, мы должны просто спросить, может быть, они захотят." I shrug.

(I think we should just ask, maybe they'll want to)

"И если они не будут?" He asks.

(And if they don't?)

"Они это сделают." I smirk

(They'll do it)

We talk a little bit more about how the mafia was doing and random stuff before I tell him I was going to bed and we hung up. I don't wanna sleep alone tonight so I go to River's because we haven't talked a lot.

I knock on his door and he opens it. He looks really tired but I don't want to be alone. I get nervous but push through it.
"Umm... can I um sleep in here? I didn't want to be alone and we uh haven't had much time to talk." I explain.

There's a moment of silence. "It's okay if I can't." I whisper then look up at him and he's... smiling. "Of course you can Angelo." He chuckles, I smile and walk in his room. He closes the door and walks to his bed. I sit on his bed.

"Why don't I see you around the house a lot?" I ask noticing he's not around a lot.
"Usually i'm talking with Thomas, Dylan, and Luca outside, I'm at Work or I just need some time to myself. Being in a house with this many people can be overwhelming." He finishes laying down.

I nod understanding.

"Well when you need alone time next time I would like to come along if that's alright? We don't talk a lot and I wanna hangout with you." I say as I lay on his chest.

"Yeah, you can come along next time, I usually just ride my bike enjoying the fresh air and I wanna hangout with you too." He pulls the cover on us.

"You have a bike?" I pop my head up and ask him. He looks down at me. "Yeah, you ride?" He asks."Yeah, we definitely should race sometime." I get excited.

"That'd be awesome but, you know you can't beat me." He smirks."Oh, but I can." I grin. "Okay, we'll see who really wins." He chuckles and I nod. "Goodnight Angelo." He whispers.

"Goodnight Riv." I say half sleep then I let sleep overtake me


AN: Hey chicken nuggets!! I sorry it took so long to put this chapter out but the truth is I've been working on aesthetics for some new

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