Burning Soon

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I saw moon burning like sun ,
That burn I felt in my heart ,
It ached for a while ,
Making me to shiver for a longer ,
I felt like if moon is going to burn ,
But that moon wasn't the one which will get burn , it'll be the heart ,
The heart which had been lived under thousands of hope and purest emotions,
Which were shuddering,
The moon will not be the one to burn,
But the heart will be the one which will burn soon ,
I can feel it burning,
I can feel it aching ,
I can see it shivering,
I can feel it tempting,
I can feel it synchronising,
I can feel that every motion in it ,
I can feel those apologizing words of it to its own self that it waited for too much longer ,
I can feel those sorrows words of it to its own self for living under fake hopes,
for those trials for making stay , for that hope that time will arrive when things will change,
The things definitely get changed and it is going to be burning soon .

"It started with heavy rainfall
It's ending with burning moon ".

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