Victim or Condemned

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Sometimes I wander ,
"Am I the victim of thoughts filled with you or condemned in the place , somewhere like you ?"
Last night when I again had a dream of you ,
It felt like presence of thou ,
Deceived by reality , crossing the river of delusionment ,
When I went to you again ,
I realised there's nothing left to gain ,
The one who seemed like mine ,
Handed to someone else like wine ,
Reality which was letting me down ,
Dream seemed like protecting me from wound ,
In reality distances had known our love ,
But in dreams our skin , eyes and smiles had known the love ,
If I'd say I didn't want to think of you ,
It'd be a lie cause forgetting you wasn't my wish ,
It was my need !
Though I did want to see you again , closely in dreams , from farway in reality but my need for survival didn't allow me to see ya .

" He was the wish of my dreams ,
And dream of my reality ,
Time made him fatigue of my thoughts ,
And I was always the worst happening to his pods ."

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