In the Beginning

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If I'd ever fall in love I'll show you my flows and scars,
My anxiety and screams,
My hallucinations and nightmares,
The thoughts of my cruelty and betrayals of my actions,
I'll show you worse of me and will hope you to accept me,
Though my flaws might seems scary,
But my love is divine,
Once you'll drink it and shall want to never let go.
You might have prayed to go in heaven and I shall be the one for making you to see heaven.
Though my hell is nightmare to walk through but immortal drink of love at the end is sour as it'll be the one to release sweetest taste in your body and soul.
I'll take you on the journey of fantasy and will show the violent delights of Love.

Ink And Rhymes: A Teenager Poet's Diary Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang