Caged Bird

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The caged bird sang the song of freedom while the air rhythm with it and the falling leaves danced with it,

I felt myself among the sorrowful gusts of wind with trembling feet, 

As if my mind was a cage and I kept myself in it forever while my leg trembled to be free,

But I knew even if I'll run away there was no place on earth that can save me from the prison as it'll go around me,

Often I thought of breaking that cage but the cage was imaginary,

I was a monkey joking along with life,

While I saw myself as the snake holding earth on its hood.

I always compared myself to a bird condemned in a cage but the day I released the bird from its cage,

I realized the bird was condemned physically and I've been condemned cognitively.

The free bird again sang its songs and my feet stopped trembling while my heart was louder enough to be heard.

Ink And Rhymes: A Teenager Poet's Diary Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang