Reflection of a Soul

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I saw a reflection of a soul ,
Leading me through the way ,
But I mistook my designation,
So I kept walking through the wronge path ,
A path where I never belonged ,
A path which was never mine,
A path which has no fixed place ,
A path which never belonged to me ,
A path for which I never meant to be !

The path showed every reason to love it ,
Summer with beautiful sunset
Autumn with beautiful red vine leaves ,
Monsoon with heart piercing rain,
Winter with cosy dreams .
The path was beautiful like heaven ,
Coincidences , fate , destiny everything was walking along !

But in the midst existence was against,
Sun in the summer season take away the eyes,
Red vines leaves of autumn cracked the feet ,
Monsoon's rain broke the roof ,
Winter's comfort took away the peace ,
I became a bird searching for home while getting poetries as my nest , a home for living , where I do belong , which was meant for me and which
was my fixed place and final destination...

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