Cursed soul

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Dear time thou played so well !
Thou provided a hope for living ,
Growing grey and old together.
Thou played so well that when the time arrived,
Every thing seemed to be in void .
Dear time thou played so well !
Thou gave a reason to feel free,
And in no time thou condemned it .
Thou played so well that in a moment ,
It felt like forever and now it was just a moment.
Dear time thou played so well!
Thou shows coincidences and destiny along ,
But in no time whole existence was against .
Thou played so well that between the battle of heart and mind , soul get cursed forever .

Between your games when heaven looked down , the surface of hell was under the feet .
At far there was a hope of light ,
But darkness was already around.

Dear time you played so well that now there's no difference between body and soul , heart and mind , feelings and emotions. It just still , still forever  , hoping for pieces of heaven will defy the whole existence of hell !

Oh time ! Thou played so well .

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