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To avoid the condemned feeling inside the room ,
I sat on the chair near my roof ,
The scent of soil from the behind of my house ,
Made me wander the world without mouse ,
Sometimes when I look at the holes on the ground made by mouse ,
I tried to look at the loopholes of my life ,
Which have digged into the painful patches of past ,
Which have already consumed the pain of future , and lost in oblivion.

When I listen to the nibbling sound made by a mouse ,
I try not to feel like those sound of mice' teeth through my skin ,
But I can't help but feel it .

When I tried to differentiate my life from people,
All I found was I've been holding into the familiarity of this world long ago ,
As it is the biggest rattrap and everyone is running the rat race .

When I tried not to become one of those rats ,
Agony condemned me like even I'm trying not to become one of them ,
But all the reckless attachments of human life are making me one .

I left the desire to be joyful ,
When sorrow digged in ,
I left the desire to be happy,
When pain ached in ,
I'm not of this world anymore neither this world is mine ,
That agony which connected me to this world ,
I left it far behind , the joy this worldly rattrap contained I left it far behind ,
And the isolation is beautiful.

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