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Sitting on my balcony,
I used to watch sparrow making its nest.
Our eyes used to play hide and seek.
When I watched her she moved away and his herself when I looked away she get back to her work.
But both of ours side eye never left each other's way.
One day when I was sitting on the chair over my balcony and looking above those clouds.
"What thee's eyes trying to catch in the sky?", asked the sparrow.
Puzzled me looked here and there but then she spoke again, "What thee wish looking at those clouds?"
Getting back to my senses, "That in my life I wish to be a sparrow as tiny as thee to stay out of the reach of humans, as beautiful as thee to shine  in the night sky, to have thoust feathers to fly high", said I.
"Thine delusional fantasy shall be end when thee lived ours life, the life which had been shattered by human led us to our extinct, our feathers which had been mocked down by hunters for the purpose of entertainment, the sky might be vast but hunters birds are always searching for us, thee want to escape the agonies of human life but life on earth is full miseries and beauty too.
Just depends what thine eyes want to see" said it.
"Life is never easy even for birds and animals", said I with a half smile and sparrow flew away teaching me the best lesson of life.

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