Song of the City

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I sang the song of city when sorrowful gust of wind blew my hair ,
I wrote the poems of city when I had known I've to bid goodbye this time ,
I had known this city of treasure was going to break my heart forever,
But I still made an effort to be happy for a moment that's not going to come again ever ,
The still grass , the corn fields , the faraway street lights during night time among the beautiful grass covered by the vast sky ,
All I could feel was the sorrowful gust of wind that was waving me down ,
While counting the stars in the town ,
The trees were sprinting with my feet ,
The birds were chirruping with the sound inside my head ,
The butterflies were flying with my thoughts ,
While the lovely grass was creating rhythm with sorrowful gust of wind through my ears ,
And it made me to sing the song of city all over again ,
While hoping time shall brought me here again .

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