End Path

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Sometimes this greenery make lost in an unknown path of life,
For which I searched since childhood,
To find the meaning of that path I read books, asked the people but never get to know why.
I still wander may be this path is an never ending tunnel of life.
As often I found myself little ahead in this path as if this path holds the journey of my living and learning.
And I know I can't live enough until the day I die.
I can't learn enough until the day I die,
I can't love enough until the day I die.
I often wander about how the path will look the day I die.
May be I'll reach the dark end of this path where all the greenery on both sides and the light over my head will suddenly disappeared and I'll be standing in front of black hole from where I could never turn back.
Though this unfamiliar path of life is quite a delusional fantasy.
But often this path of wanders provides the relaxation to my heart.

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