Us as an Art

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World is not as cruel as its seems.
People aren't as cruel as they pretend.
There's no doubt about the cruelty of modern world.
But kindness and humanity still does exist.
Oh my friend do not let your believes banish away from life.
As earth is as beautiful as heaven that even demon fight for it to take away from humans.
Even god take forms to live on earth.
Just think twice what beauty world has given you.
Do not give up on the life just because some people have abandoned you.
People's abundance do not depict universe abundance.
As University is with you as long as you live.
You do not know what death hold them why to wish for delusion like a death?
Life often itself seemed like a delusion but do not let your mind plays with you.
The heaven is with you that creates you so beautiful than why fear death when god himself sends you.
You might be atheist, you might be agnostic, you might religious, you might be mystic but that doesn't change the fact you're a child of mother earth.
So why to fear take away the life when mother was the one to groom us and provide us shelter.
Oh my friend let's dare to live again , let's dare to laugh again and let's dare to love again.

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