Twenty three

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The utmost elegant party held by the mafias, was quite endearing and pleasant, unlike the job that they're at. Holding a glass of wine, the sound of a violin playing circus around the area. 

The smoke of their cigarettes, the scents of expensive wines, cocaine and marijuana, and all the corrupt figureheads that are known in the country enjoyed the screw-up party. However, the people seem to enjoy it, how unsophisticated. 

"Enjoying the party, Dame?" One of the advisors asks, I keep a straight face. I was being sarcastic when I said it is endearing, it's not close enough to being classic too. 

"It's, plainly uninteresting." I coldly answered, not minding if I offend anyone. He laughs nervously at my retort. 

"We're apologizing for our incompetency in handling the party, ladyship." 

"What could I say, it's easy to apologize than be competent." I said and left him dumbfounded, why would even Mikey let me represent Bonten in his stead? 

"Everyone, my daughter invite a flower girl for good luck." 

Unamused with the new concept that they added I watch the girl wearing a red shawl and holding a basket full of red and white roses. Agape with the flowers that she holds, everyone was amused when I first step into the girl in front of me. 

"How, ghastly you are, little witch." I affront, she warily pushes up the basket of flowers to me not meeting my gazes. 

"That woman there is the real witch." I heard Ran titter, and Koko laugh, but I just held my head high. Giving them a flashy smile, I turn around to the guest. 

"Will someone pay for my flower?" Smiling enough to make the other captivated with it, Koko stepped in. 

"If it's the witch command, then let her have one." Pulling a thick amount of cash, he lends it to the girl. The other did the same giving money to the flower girl. 

"Will have one too, for a luck." After having the pair of red and white flowers I step out of the crowd. 

"Your grace, are you leaving?" One of the associates asks, tilting my head, looking down on him I pierce a sharp gaze at him. 

"How dare you talk to me?" I disgrace at him, how could he approach me crudely? He back down and bow netherward, as he should. 

"I'm sorry-." 

"Just leave, idiot." Turning around impassively I made my way to the courtyard, where no one is around.

"Mikey should be the one to represent his damn organization, not me." Leaning on the veranda I stared at the flowers. 


A lump clogged in my throat as my chest start to clench in pain. 

"Mother." I didn't turn when he called me. 

He outstretches for my hand and turns me to him. My sixteen-year-old son looks exactly like him, who's already towering over me with his height. 

"You look beautiful." He complimented but I stolidly stand there. 

"What do you want?" He smiled and give me an envelope. 

"Open it." He gestures not even slightly intimidated at my presence. Opening it I saw a wedding invitation, raising the brows I read the printed name on it. 

'Haruki Hayashida and Yumi Mori. Wedding' 

Cuffing my face, my son made me turn to him. 

"Why don't you pay them a visit, mother?" He's smiling sweetly, oh how manipulative my little boy is. Laughing with his idea, I brush his hand away. 

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