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I yawned at the last period of class. "So, how was your day?" Jun asked. "Fine. I think I'll have to do something  today, and oh, it is also vacation. I'll spend it in the Burrow, my brother Bill will be going home with Charlie." I said, holding my books and he nodded.

"I understand. I think I'll just spend my vacation with you at the Burrow, too." He winked, playfully. "Idiot, my mum still doesn't know. But, yeah. I'll write and send her an owl." I said and smiled at him before leaving.

As I quickly left the castle, I went out only to see Oliver with a blonde haired girl. Uh, seriously? There are so many places out here, why would he go here? Unfortunately, the Ministry of Magic and the Diagon Alley are both temporarily closed for some reasons. The twins is also planning up on something,

I was about to go back as I wiped my tears off when I bumped into a Ravenclaw student, and our necklace is also accidentally attached. I helped him to get his books and sighed, "I-I'm sorry. I wasn't looking." I foolishly said and he just looked at me. Isn't he Jeon Wonwoo?

The top student of Ravenclaw's house? "Here." He said, handing me a handkerchief, I even stared at him cluelessly. "T-thank you." I stuttered and also spinned the necklace to removed it from being attached, "I-I wasn't looking. I'm sorry again."

With that, I quickly left and walked away. My mood is kinda changing when I saw Oliver, am I lying when I said I was being far from being fine? I guess so? "You alright, sis?" George asked. "Quite."

"Well you're not currently dating Wen Junhui." He added, "It's none of your business." I said as I leave him there and I wasn't ready enough to talk about my feelings. Imagine leaving school without saying a proper goodbye to someone, espicially with Jun.

I don't think I am already enough to love or like someone again, it feels so illegal if I would do it again. I could never imagine myself being committed not as the same way as my partner does.

𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐬𝐞𝐫, wen junhui.Where stories live. Discover now