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It was cold but Midea stood still beside Charlie. Charlie went home last week and Professor Lupin and Tonks announced their wedding, they are actually getting married tomorrow. "Marriage isn't that easy, eh?" Arthur said, Midea agreed but their father still doesn't know that Midea and Jun are now official. "Dad, Midea has something to say." Percy said, looking at his sister. "Yes, honey? What is it?"

"Erm, Me and Jun are officially together." Arthur accidentally dropped the spoon and fork while his mouth is also open. "Since when?"

"Last week, sir." Junhui answered. "I thought this was a big announcement, when is the wedding? We have to prepare it!" He said, smiling at his daughter. "I'm so happy for you, my dear. You've graduated Hogwarts successfully and now you have a boyfriend who will take care of you." Arthur said and he was still smiling, "Midea deserves it, Dad." Bill said and Fleur smiled at them.

"Let me know the date of the wedding. I'm so excited to have grandkids!" He chuckled cutely. "See? Dad is so proud of you, sis." Percy said and everyone giggled. "I know he would. It's just that, I want to be more honest these days." She said, nervously pursing her lips into thin line as everyone looked at her. "You seem worried about it?"

Charlie said, he rarely gets home because he was still studying dragons in Romania. And a lot of different things, "I think I'll tell you all later. I'm tired." She quickly said as she washed her hands and went upstairs. "Jun?"

"Really? Why are you reading this?" Midea asked as she closed her diary and put it inside through one of her draws. "To know everything about you, of course." He winked at her. "Ew, Jun. You are so gross."

"Am I?" He asked, pouting. "Just a little bit. But you know how much I love you, right?,"

"Of course, I know." He whispered as he kisses her lips softly and Midea smiled through it. "And soon, you will be changing your name to Madelaine Midea Cedrella Moon." He said as Midea grinned and just playfully smacked his arms. "The moon is really beautiful." Jun said, staring at her eyes and down to her lips. Then back to her eyes, "And so do you."

𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐬𝐞𝐫, wen junhui.Where stories live. Discover now