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It's August 1, 1997 and today is the wedding day of Fleur and Bill. Everyone was invited, then Charlie and Evanora attended the wedding. "Good lord that I have a vacant schedules." She said, sighing. "Oh by the way, congratulations to the both of you. First child, eh? George and I will be the godparents." She said, smiling.

Ron actually asked Midea, and made a circle on his stomach if it's really true. Midea only nodded and Ron gave him a thumbs up, which made her laugh. "I know what you did last summer." Ronald said, as Midea just ignored him. Hermione went inside the tent and she saw her friends, as Hermione hugged Midea she also caressed her tummy. "I can't wait to see him or her!" Hermione said and hugged Midea. Fleur and Bill danced together, "They look so inlove." Jun said, placing a kiss on her head. "That would be us in the future. With our little baby cub." Jun caressed her tummy softly.

Midea is always hoping that the war would be over, but deep inside that she knows that it is only the beginning of everything, she'd hope that everyone would be alive and safe. She hope that everyone should be alive, "Jun." She called her. "Hmm?"

"I'm scared." That's what she only said, Jun is confused but he was worried for his girlfriend. "Don't be? I love you, okay?"

𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐬𝐞𝐫, wen junhui.Where stories live. Discover now