Chapter. 2

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I woke from my long nap in a daze. My hood had been pulled back and I was tucked into a made bed, sitting up I looked around my room, nothing seemed to be out of place. My door closed, even locked. A habit I had even when I was home alone. Pulling my arms out from under the blanket and holding it up in front of my face, the sunlight was coming through my curtains between my fingers. The sun still felt warm, probably making it about mid-day. Thinking over the strong dream I had. The smell of warm Salfer, the strange morning, My father's boss. All of it, felt almost as if it didn't really happen.

"Maybe I did actually dream all of that."

Speaking to myself was another habit of mine, I've had conversations with myself sense I was a child. My mother's words, 'It always good to have a conversation with yourself once in a while, it's just you check in with your soul.' 
I smiled at the memory, she always embraced my strange habits. Encouraged me to be my true self. I sighed and sat up. My phone vibrated from my pocket, pulling it out, expecting it to be Jase. Ready to deal with his lecture for taking so long to reply to his messages. I looked down to my phone wide eyed, surprised to see the name "Leo Grey" come across the screen. I locked my phone without opening the message.

"So much for it all just being a dream."

I untangled myself from the comforts of my bed, walking to the bathroom while trying to brush the knots out of my hair before taking a brush to it. avoiding looking at myself in the mirror. Deciding To take a shower, as I got out, feeling a hell of a lot better. Wrapping a towel wrapped around my hair and one around my body. Making my way out of my bathroom and to my wardrobe. Debating to just crawl back into bed. With my dad away, I didn't feel the need to do much until my nightly activates. Glancing over my shoulder at my phone, Leos unread message coming to mind. Maybe I should at least read it. 

"If his brothers are really stopping by.... maybe I should not look like a train wreck like I did when I met him..."

Opening the wardrobe, and sifting through the dresses that were hung up, most of them with price tags on them, finding comfort in my short shorts and yoga pants and revealing shirts left little to no room or reason for something so pretty, knowing I would just end up ruining them. So, they remained in my closet. My father spent a lot of money on them, I felt guilty for not being the type of kid to want to wear things like them or go places that would require dressing nicer.
Pulling a matching thong and a bra on, slipping them on quick with the towel still wrapped around me. 

"Ey Alexa, play wrong by max"

The song plays through my surround sound speakers. Taking the towel off my head as I hum to the lyrics. I grab a pair of leggings pulling them up my thick thighs.
Picking out a cute "fly high" cropped top shirt pulling a black and a grey flannel,
Walking back in the bathroom to blow dry my hair, cutting the blow dryer off when I heard the loud buzzing of my phone ringing. Walking over to my bed, grabbing my grey beanie from my nightstand and slipping it on, I answer the video call request propping my phone up on my desk.

"So, you're just gonna leave me on read all day orrrr...."

I didn't need to look down to know it was Jas, His low annoyed voice through the phone was enough, I glanced down to see him propping in phone up, it looked as if he was in some big marble bathroom, odd. Unless his parents decided to take him on another vacation. which wouldn't be surprising, so I didn't pry into the change of scenery. 

"Jas, you know I went right back to sleep when my dad left. Had me waking up to banging on my door at 6 in the fuckin morning.... anyways did you get ahold of Kyo like I asked you too?"

I sighed at his silence, it was very telling. The boy never shut up so if he didn't speak that meant something was wrong. I didn't look up, not wanting to see the pity in his eyes.
I pulled a garbage bag out of my desk drawer flinging it open, grabbing the broom from the side of the wardrobe and start sweeping all the cans, bottles, swisher wrappers, empty baggies and foil out from under my bed.

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