Chapter. 20

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"Girl if you don't come on and eat so we can go, my brothers aren't going to let me keep this card all day."

Yana's temper brought me out of my daydreaming, well early morning, sleep deprivation dreaming. I looked down to my mostly filled plate, I cut into my pancakes and strawberries, and shove as much into my mouth with one bite. Leo insisted the girls, and I stayed in one of the hotels he owns, that I didn't know about. He only has two, that are smack dab in the middle of the busiest part of cold springs, but still, I wish I knew more about him than I do. He brought me here after helping me get a suitcase packed from my broken room and then dropped me off then left to help with fixing the house again, it had been three days. Yana was the only one who came. Not Victor or Tyler, not even my father came by. Yana came more once her and Kyo found a strange friendship. They got into an argument when Yana brought us dinner the first night, and I could have sworn Yana was going to shift and rip Kyo's head off, but. They both just stared at each other and busted into laughter and have been buddy buddy ever sense, I wasn't about to question it.

"Why do they refuse to come themselves? Why the fuck does Victor keep only sending these damn nicotine patches, I'm about to shove one up his ass next time I see him I swear to everything fucking god out there."

Lore paced the connecting space between the dining room and living room, the place was huge. We were on the top floor surrounded by floor to ceiling windows, letting in as much natural light as possible. It was nice for the first day but now I was missing my dark cave I called a bedroom. I finished shoving food in my mouth as I watch Lore. Kyo and Yana sat on the couch talking amongst themselves ignoring Lore's outburst. Victor was serious about making her quiet smoking, even went as far as not allowing any deliveries to come up to our floor without his, or one of the other signatures. And as far as one of us leaving well. Kyo and I hadn't tried. But Lore did. She didn't like staying home. She made that clear, so Victor had made her quiet smoking and locked her in here with us and then left. To say Lore was tense was an understatement.

"Alright, I'm done let's go, is it just us Yana or are the girls aloud to come?"

Without waiting for an answer Lore was at the elevator pressing the buttons, Kyo and Yana stood and made their way over to me. Yana nodded her head as her answer, A playful smile on her lips. Lore tilted her head over her shoulder giving me a knowing smirk.

"Whatever we are doing today, I AM stopping at a gas station."

I knew what she was getting around too, she was going to get her smokes the moment she got the chance, I bit my lip fighting the smile. And just nodded my head, I would have been inclined to believe her, but when the elevator dinged Victor and Tyler were standing inside it on opposites sides of it, both their gazes went to their mates. Kyo makes an audible squeal and fastly walks towards Tyler and throws her arms around him, Yana makes a scoff noise.

"Not you leaving me for my brother."

It was Tylers turn to scoff, and Kyo gasped, as if Yana's accusation actually hurt her feelings, looking shocked but then exchanged a look and they both laughed. I raised my eyebrow as Yana, Lore and I enter the elevator, Lore making it a point to stand next to her sister and Tyler, as far away from victor as she could get in this small space, the door closed, and the air became heavy. I cleared my throat, an excuse to break the silence I looked from Tyler than to Victor, raising my eyebrow.

"He's not here, him and Michael are in meetings today."

Yana groaned and started her rant, I can't say I blamed her. I was annoyed too, my heart twisted, I missed him, we wouldn't even have to be here if it wasn't for their destructiveness, though the last time I can't souly blame on Leo. Jason shouldn't have come, he knew me better, he knew his warning was going to fall on deaf ears and in the end. My room paid the price, that still begged the question as to why they couldn't come to the hotel too, not even to just see us. I sighed and nodded turning right when the elevator doors open again to the main lobby. By the time we got to the door Lore was hanging on Victor's arm, her fingers inner locked around his elbow. Still a serious expression but she couldn't ignore the pull, as did Kyo, Tyler had one arm wrapped around her shoulders and she had one around his hip. A surge of jealousy pulls through me, the automatic door opens from the lobby and there is a large SUV in front. Definitely one of Leos, I couldn't see through the blacked-out windows to see the driver, but from the bit of red I caught from the top of the car it wasn't hard to figure out.

"Goodmorning Luna."

Sam said swiping his red curly hair to one side and nodded his head, I raised my eyebrows and his eyes shined gold. Victor came around to the side and opened the back passenger door beside me. I stared at Sam for a moment and nodded my head back, for the first time in days Nero's presence was in my mind. I wasn't sure why, but I didn't question it, I couldn't feel him fully there, he just made himself known in a way.


Yana said from inside the SUV,they had all already were seated, I shook out of my stare and climbed in, Lore sat up front. Still being bitter towards Victor, I'm sure. I sat behind her, tapping her shoulder and handed her a piece of gum. she accepted it and gave me a smile. I made eye contact with Sam through the rearview mirror.

"Mika, lo farai uccidere."
(You are going to get him killed.)

Nero finally spoke from deep within my mind and I looked away from Sam, Leo wasn't here to assert his over protectiveness, but his brothers were here to report anything and everything. I couldn't help but feel there was something there, I couldn't tell what but something about Sam was different than the rest of the Lycans I had met. I ignored it and homed in on Yana's and Kyo's conversation. Mostly they were talking about food and movies. Yana explaining her love for anime and cartoon movies, her favorite being Shrek of all things. I smiled and peaked over at her. She was leaning her back against the driver back door eating a bag of organic gummy bears, her legs over Victor's thighs, who was sitting between us. I examined her dark features, her eyes shined with that familiar gold. Just like her brothers she was just as beautiful. Sculpted by the gods, rather their moon goddess herself.

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