Chapter. 13

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I met Jasons eyes, I could see the hesitance in them, forcing myself to relax was hard, I knew Jason better than anyone, becoming too hostile around him, he'd shut down, refuse to talk or even look at me. The tension in the air was starting to build in the small space and was starting to make me uncomfortable, I needed to change that if I wanted any kind of conversation with him.

"Chill Jas, it's me remember? The fuck up best friend who you talk to damn near every day? Sorry if I seem annoyed, I'm just butt hurt I'm the last to know about this boyfriend of yours. Where have you been hiding him when we were on the vc hmm?"

I giggled and glanced over at him. He was smiling, looking down at his phone but locked it the moment I looked at it. He sighed and rubbed the back of his neck.

"Yea I know Mika...I'm sorry. Things just been happening so fast and..."

He stopped what he was saying, keep my eyes on the road, I waited for him to finish what he was going to say. Talking to Jason was always so easy and I didn't want to ruin that by whatever... this was.

"The world isn't just black and white."

Jason whispered the end of his reply, as if he wasn't saying it to me but himself, I Rolled my eyes, no shit, I tap my thumbs on the steering wheel. Whatever was going on, whoever he was, he told Jason to watch what he said to me, it was clear Vito wasn't human, that much I had pieced together. Whatever was happening I wasn't about to let it affect my friendship, I couldn't. I've fought to hard and gone through so much to insure I kept them, rather or not Jas knew about whatever Vito was, was still to be determaned.

"Jase, I love you, you know that if you have something to say just say it."

Keeping my voice low, we were closely approaching the restaurant. The driveway was in sight. I didn't have much time left and I had a gut feeling I wasn't about to get another conversation alone with him.

"You mean that there are other things other than humans? That things in the movies are real? Is that what you're waiting me to say?"

Jason stated bluntly. A little to bluntly, well I guess that answered one of my questions, Nero hummed in my head, like he was thinking out loud, but honestly it was probably to make sure I knew he was still here, as if I couldn't tell. My arms were freezing, I giggled, louder than I probably should have, I needed to keep up the stupid act, at least until I got more out of him.

"Woo Jason, still got that sense of humor I see. Have you been watching supernatural shows on repeat again? Because there's no way you can honestly believe that type of thing is real."

My laughter calmed down, I was even uncondensed with my 'joke' but we were out of time. We pulled into "urban" a cute little place, a while down the road from the main shopping strip. The place wasn't super busy luckily, parking the car closest to the main entrance, Jason was already almost out of the car before the engine was even off, Mika proteggi il tuo cuore da questo (shield your heart from this one) Nero's intrusiveness was becoming annoying.

"Ya know Mika... you've always been bad at lying."

I opened my mouth to respond but he swung open the door of the jeep, climbed out and slammed the door shut before I could, I wasn't bad at lying, just was bad at it when put on the spot. I sat in the car alone for a moment, trying to calm my nerves and begging Nero to behave. jumping when there was a knock at the window.

"Foooood Mika! Nnoooowww!"

Kyo pulled at the door handle of the jeep, until I unlocked it, she swung open the door so hard it almost smacking her in the face, I shook my head, pulling the keys out of the ignition at the same time as Kyo grabbed my arm and pulled me from the jeep. I had forgotten how strong she was. We made our way into urban and took our seats. Kyo kept me close by, I guess she could sense the car ride didn't go well, we ordered our food, as we waited, I could feel something was off, more off than when I first laid eyes on Vito. Something was in the air, something new. Pulling out my phone under the table I looked at the time, still mid-day. I was starting to get anxious, though I couldn't pinpoint where that was coming from either, between whatever was happening with Jason, this strange Vito guy, Leo's unresponsiveness. All of the uncertainty, and tension was starting to get to me, seeing I didn't have a text back from Leo either wasn't helping.

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