Chapter. 8

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I woke to an empty bed again, I was hopeful he'd stay, but I knew he wouldn't, I could feel it when I went to sleep. I sighed, swung my legs over the side of the bed, and got dressed, trying to force myself to think of anything other than last night. Throwing on the first thing I could from the closet, leggings, a hoodie, the normal, tossing his shirt on my bed before starting my morning. I stopped my walk down the stairs and I listened. I couldn't hear anything, more importantly, his scent was gone. I couldn't smell anything. I started to think I was home alone, which was normal. But my dad normally was still here this early. Shrugging it off, I hurried down the stairs to make myself breakfast.

"Oh, good morning, Mika, when did you get in?"

I jumped looking over to see to my father, sitting at the kitchen island, laptop in front of him a cup of coffee in one hand and his phone in the other, he had on normal relaxed attire surprisingly. He lifted an eyebrow waiting for me to respond.

"Oh um....not too late...."

My confusion must have been written on my face, he took a sip of his coffee, eyeing me. Which I ignored, making my way to the freezer to find my toaster strudels. I could still feel his eyes on me. I plopped my poor excuse of a breakfast into the toaster oven and turned around. Crossing my arms over my chest. Finally meeting his stare with my own.

"You know, I try to give you your space, I really wish you would text me updates if you're gonna be out that late. I didn't even hear you come in."

I tilted my head watching his expression become more serious, there was a hint of genuine worry, I slowly nodded and turned to pull my food out. He never lectured me over this shit, how hung over I was the next day, maybe. But he never cared before about my timing out. Assuming he thought I was out partying after that fight we had. He didn't even know Leo brought me home, and it wasn't a party I was at.

"Yea sorry about that dad....I'll do better"

My response came out a little sarcastic, I didn't give him time to reply, taking my food and making my way up the steps, making it to my room. Pulling my phone off the nightstand, my heart dropping seeing no missed calls or text. He really just left. No note, no text, nothing.
My heart pounded in my chest, throwing the phone on the bed. I shook the thoughts away, ready to busy myself with this schoolwork, Ignoring the need to try and reach out to him first.
I wasn't going to be that girl. I've had crushes, nothing compared to this. still, he wasn't about to see me gravel for him. turning on the computer, I logged into classes early to do extra credit.
Any excuse to not think about him. The time unfortunately went faster, Before I know it, it was time to start actual classes, I put my ear buds in and got to work. I actually learned somethings and had a face time meeting with my teacher. Pulling my ear buds out I stretch my arms looking down at the time seeing it was well after 5 o'clock, I closed my computer with a heavy sigh.
As bad as I wanted to deny it, Leo weighed heavy on my mind the entire day. Not able to take it anymore I strolled over to my bed. Flipping my phone over double tapping my screen, my ears perk up seeing a missed call and three text messages. Unlocking my phone, my heart sunk. It was Jas not at all who I was wanting and that thought alone made me feel bad, I never got to calling him back.

"Eyo, where tf have you been, loca?!? You never called me back :'("

An hour later another message.

"Guess I won't tell you the good news..."

More guilt hit my heart. Fuck. I was being so neglectful to the one person who has stood by my side.

"Fine since you wanna keep ignoring me I'll tell Kyo never fuckin mind..."

Shit, He had every right to be upset with me, hopefully he will forgive me. There's no way I could tell him the truth, I'd have to work on a good lie before giving him a call. I scrolled through my contacts, finding Leo, first I needed to find out what the hell was going on with this back and forth with him. I hovered my thumb over his name, taking a deep breath I clicked it and held my phone to my ear.

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