Chapter. 9

18 2 7

-6 months later-

"Was her favorite color blue?"

I asked staring up at the stary sky laying in the grass, biting into a twizzler, spring and summer seemed to go by so fast, the air was brisk, not quite fall, though I could tell the seasons were changing, something about the air smelled different this time. Nero rolled over to his side, propping himself up on his elbow, his suit stayed in place with his movements, I admired his sense of fashion. I guess that came with the territory of being hundreds of years old, he poked me in the forehead hard enough for it to hurt. Flinching as I smacked away his hand glaring into his blazing black eyes.

"You do not know what your mothers favorite color was? Why would I know such a mondain things like that? If you wish to continue to bug me about Jennett, you could ask more important questions, tu piccolo fastidio."
(You little annoyance.)

I huffed, Nero had given into my pestering the night after my father's chaotic dinner, becoming a nightly thing, he'd smoke himself into my room right after dinner, we'd either go on a walk or just sit and chat, clear nights like this he'd sit under the stars with me until he got bored with my questions of the past decedents, my questions usually went back to my mother, he seemed to have a different type of relationship with each descendent, some he never even formally made himself privy too, some he took romantically in their adulthood, hearing that confession changed how I saw him. I wasn't surprised, the taboo of it just felt wrong. Watching as he stood up, reaching down for my hand. I tilted my head looking from it to his face confused, Nero rolled his eyes reached down. Grabbing the twizzler from my mouth and threw it into the forest. I sat up, trying to see where it went, disappearing over the hill. 

"Come on, let's go back inside amore mio, the dogs are starting to grow concerned with you talking to yourself."

Taking his hand, he pulled me to my feet effortlessly, the forest looked empty. It was so quiet, one could hear the crickets and small nocturnal animals. If there were wolves hidden in the trees, they were hidden well, considering how big they are, it's amazing they can be so stealthy. Nero held my hand for a moment longer than necessary catching my attention. 

"I don't know why you don't show yourself to em. Who knows, maybe that will make him co-.."

Nero jerked my hand, urging me to fallow him down the small path towards the house before he let go of my hand. He remained silent, his long black satin waves blocked my view of his face, we had gotten close over these last few months. I needed a distraction from my thoughts, and he willingly gave that to me. As we reached the end of the path he stilled.

"Mika, I'm going to stay away for a while." 

Looking back over, I could see his face more in the moonlight, he seemed so tense, yet so calm. My heart sunk, he couldn't actually leave but he could keep his distance, I learned that his office was a room in his house, in the demon realm. Humans weren't necessarily allowed there, but witches were, and few exceptions, me being one of them. I sighed, looked up at the stars, he didn't need to explain I knew, I was becoming too reliant on him, especially after I officially graduated and I still hadn't seen or heard from Leo, I tried to reach out to Tyler and Victor to keep them up to date on my accomplishments, in hopes they would tell Leo, but never got anything back. The fact Nero gave me some kind of heads up was more than I could give Leo. 
I felt his cold body press to my back, He easily towered over me, his black waves fell in front of my face as he leaned over top of me and pressed his cold lips to my forehead.

"Sarò sempre vicino, buonanotte amore mio."
(I will always be near, goodnight my love.)

I closed my eyes tight, my throat suddenly became dry, his cold was gone, along with his presence.  I let a silent tear slip away, I was alone, but also never alone. I had no one to speak to other than Jas and Kyo. But I couldn't speak to them about this world. I refused to involve them in my crazy other life. The silence was becoming loud, being left with my own thoughts for too long was draining. I made my way back to the house, something shiny caught the corner of my eye. 
There was a black box. with a red shimmery ribbon wrapped around it on the porch swing. A black tag with long flowy cursive, Per i momenti in cui hai bisogno di rompere. (For moments when you need a break.) written on it, grateful his native tongue seemed to come naturally to me now, I could understand Italian better than I could speak it, something we had been working on together. I smiled and opened it, another box, mate black metal with the engraving il mio piccolo fiore (My little flower), another stick to Leo's pet name, I wasn't sure if Nero just didn't like the nickname or if he was jealous. Dropping the gift box and holding the engraved one up to examine it. It opened like a book. five long black cigarettes on each side of the case, held in with a thin black clasp, looked just like the one he kept on his desk. Closing the box and holding it to my chest.

"Grazie, amico mio."
(Thank you, my friend.)

Calling him anything but friend felt weird, wrong, he was so much more, but I couldn't explain my feelings for him. I'd never admit that to him, or anyone else, saying I'm in love with my own demon sounded cliche, I turned to walk towards the door, sliding the box into my pocket, I stopped, for the first time, I felt like I was being watched. I knew they were always out there, the guard, I could never feel them out there, never feel them watching me from the forest line. until now, this strong pull. I looked down the driveway, at the end stood one of the wolfs, this one wasn't a part of the guard. He was much bigger, or at least from what I could tell. I leaned over the balcony, squinting my eyes to get a better look, I leaned too far and almost fell. The chilly night air broke me from my daze. Along the breeze came that smell, the one that only resided on a t-shirt up in my room. It was Leo, Malakai, His golden orbs shined through the darkness of night. My heart pounded in my chest, why. Why did he have to show up now.

"You left, stay left."

I mumbled, pushing back from the banister, turning around and made my way inside. Slamming and locking the door. There was no stopping my tears, which only added to my anger. Sleep, I needed sleep. I walked past my father, who was sitting at the kitchen island doing work. Another annoyance, he had a whole ass office. But he insisted on doing work here. I really haven't spoken to him since that night, not getting any real answers as to why he tried to poison me with wolfsbane. Nero had his suspicions he did it in hopes of killing Leo. Making it to my room without him stopping me, not that I thought he would, he's kept his distance too.

"You leave Nero, and the wolves ascend, he...ascends...I'm starting to wonder if they know, If he knows... and now I'm talking to myself, I'm really losing it huh."

I had got used to Nero always being around at night, it felt weird him not being here. My skin flushed cold and paled, only for a moment. I froze and looked down at my hands, thick black veins started to rise to the surface of my skin. It only lasted for a moment, but it was enough proof that he was still there. I smiled.

"Mi manchi già."
(I miss you already.)

Setting Nero's little gift on my desk, I changed into Leo's shirt and turning off the light, it was only nine and I was already falling asleep. My sleep schedule was becoming more of a "normal person" sleep schedule as Jas would like to put it. He finally got through to Kyo, convinced her that I wasn't the selfish druggy that was surely to be found o.ded in some alleyway like her sister had convinced her I would be, which was nice. I looked forward to our morning "meeting", needing a new distraction now that Nero wasn't going to be around, well. Not like he normally was, anyways. Soon dreamless sleep took over me and I was out. My phone vibrated violently on my nightstand, waking me out of my dead sleep. Snatching it, answering the facetime and propping it against my pillow in one swift movement, all the while still having my eyes close. 

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