Chapter. 18

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I awoke to the sounds of laughter. The smell of coffee heavy in the air, under lining with the smell of Leos calming manly scent, and strangely Nero's warm smokey smell is there too. Warmth still under me. I Sat up, surprised to see Leo still there. Asleep. One arm draped down the side of my body the other propping up his head on the back of the couch. The creases normally in his forehead smoothed for once. I couldn't help but look up at him. It was strange...not strange to see him sleeping. Normally he was awake and always in alpha mode as I've grown to call his need to always be dominant, even when standing still. He was always doing something.

"kartina proderzhalasʹ by dolʹshe, tsvetok."
(a picture would last longer, flower.)

Leo spoke without opening his eyes. His mouth barely looked like it had moved. If it wasn't for the smirk plastered on his face, I would have thought I'd imagined it. Slapping his chest, I giggle, pushing myself up from him, but something catches my legs, and Leos hand cought my hip and forced me back into him. Pulling me up until I was practically in his lap, whatever had ahold of my legs tugged again so he couldn't fully take me. Leo leaned over wrapping his other arm around the back side of my thighs and yanked, swinging me along until I actually was on his lap. His large arms circled my waist, and his face was buried into my hair. He inhaled deeply and let it out with a sigh.

"YA ne mogu dozhdatʹsya, chtoby prosypatʹsya kazhdoye utro s toboy v moikh rukakh, moy malenʹkiy tsvetok"
(I can't wait to wake up every morning with you in my arms, my little flower.)

My cheeks flushed, and I leaned into him. Looking up, I sighed, the sun had already been up. I couldn't help but to wonder, what time it really was. Feeling the vibration in Leos chest before hearing the growl that bellowed out of him shook me.

"speriamo che per allora impari a condividere l'alfa"
(Hopefully by then, you learn to share alpha)

Nero's deep voice spoke with a chuckle, I pulled myself from Leo and look over, Nero sat a cushion away, dressed as he normally does, with his long hair pulled back, black luxury suit, rings on every finger, etc. I narrow my eyes at him. wondering how long he's been there. He smirks giving me a knowing smile.

"You were having trouble sleeping so I came to help, as I always do Mika."

Leo growled again, pulling me closer to him, as if that was possible. I sighed, looking back up at Leo, placing both of my hands on each side of his face and pulling his attention back to me, which he gives in, his hardened features soften instantly from the glare he was giving Nero. This weird triangle was exhausting and hard to keep up with. There was no bond To Nero like there was Leo, I didn't feel the same for him, but I did need him, I need them both. That is when I realized I loved them, in different ways, and there's no way I would say that to Leo, but from the small, chuckled Nero gave, I knew he heard that thought, luckily Leo respects my mental privacy sometimes. I glared over at Nero and shook my head, before he could speak a loud voice came from the kitchen.

"Thought you all were going to sleep all morning. It's almost noon."

Tyler's voice, sounding happier than I had ever heard him. I couldn't help but wonder what happened to change his tone. But then again. It's better if I didn't ask. Attempting to turn and talk to Tyler, Leos hold on me tighten catching my attention pulling it up to him.
Only then had I noticed that growl hadn't stopped as Tyler got closer, he's defiantly on edge because of Nero and what happened last night. Can't say I blame him.

"Tyler, not now."

The voice coming from Leo was split, both voices filled with warning. Threatening but not deadly. the laughter and light conversation that came from kitchen area stopped. The air shifting, becoming thick, thicker than it had already been with Nero and Leo in the same room. Lifting my hands to his face higher, his gold glinted eyes looked down to me, that rumble in him instantly stopped, he blinked, and his eyebrows knitted together. I shifted looking over my shoulder. Victor was there, again in nothing but basketball shorts, glad he came back.

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