Chapter. 6

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"You were such a good girl for him..."

I opened my eyes to his voice, not Leos, not Malakai's, not their voices brought me comfort instantly. This was a voice I didn't hear until more recently. Looking around the room I stood in the middle of an office, huge at that ten-foot-tall ceilings. arched windows, dark marble floor, the works. I could feel his eyes on me, without looking back at him. Walking towards a large bookshelf. I ran my fingers over a few. 

"Yea? you suddenly care? and speak."

I Ignored his chuckle, if he was only going to visit me in my dreams and speak when he felt, than I wasn't going to feed into this new behavior. Which seemed to be something he didn't like. His cold hand grabbed my shoulder. Forcing me to turn from the books.

"Mi sono sempre preoccupato di Mika"
(I always cared Mika)

I held his stare, his dark eyed shadowed by his brows, I looked down to his hand, still firmly holding my shoulder. It was cold, even threw the shirt I wore, I could feel how cold he was, the opposite from Leo. Suddenly confused why I felt the need to compare the two I pulled away. walking out from in front of him and too the window. crossing my arms over my chest, looking out into the night.

"I don't speak Italian, jiminy you should know that"

I jumped at his touch, that same hand on the same shoulder. Glancing down at it for a moment. I didn't even hear him move, he was right behind me like he was there the entire time. This time I turned around on my own. Looking up at him, he dropped his hand, grabbing mine and lifting it to his lips.

"If the dog can find it in him to finally introduce himself, it is time I did the same"

He spoke against my skin, rubbing his lips over my knuckles. I shivered but didn't pull away. I waited calmly for him to continue, he seemed to enthralled with the affection he was giving. I pulled away and backed away, pressing my ass to the window, the back of my thighs pressed to the cold thighs. I tilted my head, playing over his words.

"You mean to tell me you're not just my imaginary friend my mom named Jiminy?"

I was half joking, but also half serious, after learning Lycans were real and Leo confirming other mythical creatures existed I wasn't to surprised.
This one though, he's been with me for as long as I've had memory, thinking he was just a part of my imagination. He smirked and took a step forward, placing a cold hand to the side of my had, his long fingers combed through my brown hair, to my blond bangs, cupping my face. 

"I am not just a part of your imagination amore mio. I am apart of you."
(my love)

I stilled. First Leo, Malakai. Now him as well. No, this was different than he didn't bring those same feelings, those sparks didn't come to my life to my skin when he touched me. His tumb rubbed the corner of my lip for a moment. he leaned into me kissing the top of my head, backing up as his hand released me, holding it flat against his chest and bowing slightly, just enough I couldn't see his face.

"My name is Nero, I have been with you family for many generations, I was with your mother, and your grandmother. e molte altre streghe nella tua linea di sangue amore mio... you have been my favorite." 
(And many other witches in your bloodline, my love)

My brows lifted, he spoke Italian giving me my answers but not in the way I could understand fully, and he knew that, his accent was thick, though his English was perfect.
I was too stunned to speak or question him, he stood from his bow, but I stared at his center, my peripheral giving me some kind of view of his face, he held the same look from my last dream he was in, deep, dark and should be terrifying, he would have been to anyone else probably.
I didn't flinch at his appearance this time, didn't have the need to run. I stood still as he walked towards me again. My little shadow, my protector, my Jiminy cricket, my slight peace to my own chaos felt like a lie. Like my mother lied, a lie I couldn't even confront her with. He rubbed is palms together as he looked past me out into the blackness of the forest. His bright smile shifted, becoming smug. I narrowed my eyes, keeping my eyes at the middle of his suit, his jacket opened. He reached and pulled me into him. I inhaled sharply feeling the need to cry. I could feel him kiss the top of my had. He was so cold but weirdly comforting. It was a nice change of pace, Leo was so warm. 

"È tempo di svegliare il fiore, your wolf is summoning you"
(It is time to wake up.")

He spoke against my hair, I closed my eyes and nodded. There was a pause, I still felt Nero
in front of me until, I woke up to the morning light pouring in from my curtains. I stared blankly at the ceiling, making a mental note to learn Italian.
Rolling back onto my side, smiling, Leo's scent was heavy. I was becoming accustomed to always having that smell around. Not that I could complain, until I rolled to my side to see my head was empty.

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