Chapter. 15

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I pulled away from Kyo, quickly walking to Lore, pulling her away from the door, praying she doesn't snap, at least not yet. standing between her and Leo was intense, keeping this secret from her and Kyo was growing harder by the second. Leo pulled himself up, standing properly catching his breath, my eyes still widen looking up at him. I wanted to do nothing but jump into his arms, I stayed still, not moving an inch, fucker was nothing if not breath taking, at least to me.


My voice was low, almost scared to shift the attention from him to me. He took a step into the house releasing his hold on the door and the frame, broken wood shards and splinters fell from his massive palms. It was obvious he dressed quickly, only in basketball shorts that hung loosely off his hips, I couldn't help but to stare, it was a rare sight to see him so under dressed, he was always in suits or business attire, always looked like he was ready for a board meeting. Like a magnet pulling me too him, I shifted from foot to foot slightly, trying to ignore the need for him, the need to touch him, be as close to him as possible. There was no stopping it, I stepped closer, his hand lifting to my cheek. Bringing the sparks, I place my hands on his chest, leaning into him, sighing happily. He looked just as calm, his eyes softened, there dark green mixed with Malakai's gold, showing he was here as well, it made me calmer, knowing they bother were here, they both wanted to see me, the thought comforted me, rubbing my cheek into his hand, everything seemed to melt away. He broke our eye contact first, looking past me, shit, reality snapping back.

"Who the fuck is this?"

Lore came closer, I could feel her hand on my shoulder, ready to pull me away, Leo let go of one side of my cheek, still holding the other side of my face, lifting one hand, palm out to stop her. The sounds of her footsteps stopped. His eyes shifted to her back down to me for a moment, lingering on my face for a moment, I shook my head, hoping he'd get the hint, He looked back towards Lore.

"My name is Leo Grey-"

Footsteps running up the outside stairs caught all of our attention, I couldn't see past him to see who was coming, from Leo's irritation I could only assume. Leo sighed rolling his eyes. Introducing Tyler without looking back over at him.

"And this is my brother, Tyler. Who was told to. Stay. Put. Outside."

From what I could see, he was also only in basketball shorts, I made a mental note to go buy totes and put them out in the woods with normal clothes, if this was going to be a normal thing for them, they should have something other than basketball shorts ready for them when they were no longer in their giant wolf forms. To them this might seem normal, but it was defiantly raising some alarms to the others here. I raised an eyebrow looking from Tyler, who was close enough to see he was standing on his toes, poking his head over Leo's shoulder, sniffing the air, this was strange, even for Tyler. But I remained silent doing as Nero told me. Whatever was happening, Leo needed to handle it, hopefully it would leave my friendships intact, at this point that's all I wanted. And to make sure Kyo and Lore stayed in the dark about what they were, there being giant men storming into my house was already going to be hard to explain.

" I tried to stop him. He did not listen."

Leo stood to the side, pulling me with him, I didn't fight against him, he probably wouldn't have noticed if I tried to stop him, he was much too strong, he was always so gentle with me it was easy to forget how strong he really was. There was a moment of heavy silence. I look over at Victor who stood in the doorway frozen, his eyes widen, shifting in color completely, his breathing stayed quickened, I fallowed Victor's gaze to Lore. She stood there looking at me confused, cursing under her breath in Romanian.

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