chapter 22 • sparks fly

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"Um... what?".

"Im only joking" Chris laughs out, pointing at me while laughing like a fucking circus clown, "YOU SHOULD'VE SEEN YOUR FACE".

Ha, very fucking funny. I'm shitting my pants from laughing so much, "Chris you fucking suck".

He scoffs, "I know". I watch as he places his cereal bowl right next to mine, what does that mean?

But let's be real, thank god he didn't see that monster shit. I knew I fucking flushed it I always make extra sure I've flushed!

I shake my head, my caramel locks bouncing as I do. Chris is staring but I pretend not to notice him.

"So...have you spoken to your stepmother yet?".

"No. I'm trying to avoid it at all costs to be honest. If I have to enter my homeless era so be it. I'm really not ready to go home".

Chris places a hand on my knee, "It's gonna be ok shawty".

DROP EVERYTHING NOW. MEET ME IN THE POURING RAIN. KISS ME ON THE SIDEWALK, TAKE AWAY THE PAIN. I am quoting this song because he is making sparks fly in my heart.

"Chris, thank you for everything".

"No problem Yolly... if it makes you feel more confident, I could walk you home? Or wait outside so if you want to escape it all you can chat with me?".

That sounds so sweet. A smile grows on my face, "Perfect. Thank you, literally so fucking much".

So, I'm now walking the streets with him and his worn out jeans, I can't help thinking this is how it ought to be.

"You know what's the craziest thing about you Yolly?" Chris says as we walk down his street.

Oh god. He could either make me blush or push him onto the road, either way I need to know what's so crazy about me, "What?".

"You've got this like... fiery passion about you unlike any girl I've ever know before, but at the same time you also go through guys like a girl changes clothes". Did he just quote Katy Perry? Huh, wouldn't of taken him for a KatyCat. BUT ASIDE FROM THE REFERENCE, HE JUST SAID I HAD A FIERY PASSION!!!!!

My face is burning up, and not from the sun shining above, "Thanks" I utter out, crushing fallen leaves underneath my shoe, "I'm not really used to like- boys paying my attention. So it's all weird to me".

"Really?!" Chris pipes up, sounding all shocked and shit, yeah surprise-surprise I'm nothing special, "I would've thought you've been getting all the guys your whole life".

"Well- before you no guy had ever really looked at me that way". My heart stops when I realised what I said. My feet also stop in the middle of the path, and now I'm internally screaming, WHY THE HELL DID I SAY THAT.

Chris is silent for a moment. Oh, here we go, another Sturniolo triplet is going to have it out for me. "You know, I've had girls after me my whole life" he brings up.

"Woah! okay, you alpha male".

Chris laughs and softly punches the side of my arm as we resume walking, "I've even got a whole fan base of girls who r into me. But like-". He stops underneath a glorious sycamore tree. Just kidding, it's a normal everyday pathway tree but I like to call it something fancy.

I also stop, "Like what...?".

"Out of every girl in the world who could possibly go after me, none of them could ever compete with you".

Yeah I've just died and gone to heaven, so if you need me, contact jesus, "Wha-".

"I'm sorry if this comes off weird and erupt-" he quickly buts in, "I know you just broke up with my brother and all but I couldn't keep silent anymore! I've been thinking about you every moment since we met in McDonald's two weeks ago. I can't tell you how much my heart broke when I saw you with Matt. Because of cause it was Matt. Every girl these days is a Matt girl. Everybody wants the mysterious, shy guy. And then there's me... slowly fading into nothingness behind the shadow that is my brother".

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