Chapter Forty: what's done is done

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"Until this moment, I had not realized that someone could break your heart twice, along the very same fault lines."

Chris Omar Vaughn

"S-she what?" I had to scratch my throat to make sure I just heard that right.

A wicked smirk formed on Malcolm's mouth.

He said, "Haven't cracked her yet, fully anyway. I'm sure she's a good lay, I've only eaten her pussy. Don't get me wrong, she's damn tasty. Tempting, but I've been busy with that bitch from the game remember, with the hips? 'Member her? Yeah, she's married but we meet in aspen usually on the weekends, or whenever I feel like it. She's expensive too, that's why I'm going broke now! Haha. I can't keep spending my money on these women: my worst habit, know what I mean?"

"Chris, did I lose you? Chris?" he asked, snapping his stubby fingers in my face and I hurriedly pushed them away. I don't like that so I left.

And the rest of the night I spent ignoring her calls and texts, and tossing and turning in bed. I wanted to sleep this off, wake up and find out it's dream.

*** The next morning ***

Is there a second April Fools? August Fools?

No, I'm the damn fool.

I couldn't even sleep the shit off, I was still pissed, mostly because she was the subject of my dreams and has been ever since May.

I fucking should've known better. Oh, my blood was boiling.
Fuck however David and Rodney made me feel, this is the worst, most dangerous type of anger I've felt. Ever.

How could I be so stupid?

My heart was pounding in my chest, the thumps grew louder and louder until I couldn't hear myself think anymore.

I needed air but I couldn't bring myself to move. My brain literally leaked, unable to command a single one of my six hundred plus muscles in my body to do something, anything.

If I expected anything else from the man, I would've jumped across the table and punched Malcolm in his fucking mouth and rip his tongue out with my bare hands, the very tongue that - ugh, fuck.

That is some down right disgusting shit and I never thought Morgan would do that- I'll say it- to me.

First she leaves me when I need her the most, then I'm fucking friend zoned, and now this?! Give me a fuckin' break.

I need to punch something, break something, hurt something. Someone.

I started gagging. Never did I ever, ever want to his seconds. There is no way in Hell I would've done anything with Morgan if I knew this is what she was doing. And I asked her too, multiple times and she said she would never. Well I'll be damned.

But you know what? I blame myself. I knew Malcolm met randoms whores online, so why did I think this one would be any different? He uses them and they let him for his money.

After work, I met Jabari at the gym. I just needed to let off steam but he was trying to talk about feelings and shit.
Of course I didn't tell him about Morgan, how and why would I?
I just lifted and he spotted me, going on about how he thinks Jasmine is the one and they talked about one day moving in together. Bullshit.

I told him congratulations but I'm a hater right now and could care less. I didn't want to hear that shit.

After two hours, he was ready to go and I figured I'd done all I could do without overdoing it. I wanted to release my anger but I know my body, and I'd regret it in the morning.

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