Chapter 7: Right Here, Right Now.

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A small grumble could be heard from the first bunk bed. Fell couldn't sleep that night, worrying over what might happen. He got up, scratching his skull,"What time is it...?" He grumbled, looking at the only clock in the room, he saw it was 6 am. He put the pillow over his head, trying to fall asleep again. Soon Ellie also woke up, rubbing her eyes. She quietly climbed down and walked outside. She sat down in front of the door. A few minutes later, Fell walked out and sat next to her, "Can't sleep either kid?" Ellie nodded,"I'm worried that they'll find us way too quickly.." They both sat until the sun finally reached over the trees. They both heard the door unlocking behind them, Kitty and Frisk exiting. "This is where you were!" Frisk said.

Soon all of them were travelling again. They needed to atleast go to a different universe so no one here gets hurt. They talked things over with Core and finally went to Underswap. The four of them could feel a gentle breeze from where they were standing in snowdin,"Are you sure we won't be spotted here..?" Ellie asked as they hid away behind the trees. Fell nodded, "Only Swap knows we're here." Frisk and Ellie looked confused once again. Fell turned to them and sighed, "He's an alternate me don't worry." He said, turning back around. Behind him he could her little mumbles of understanding. In front of the trees on the opposite side stood two skeletons, one tall and one short. "Is that an alternate version of Papyrus too?" Frisk asked, reffering to the tall one.

He had an orange hoodie, with brown shorts. The skeleton was smoking, seemingly tired. The short skeleton wore a blue bandana, with a grey shirt and dark trousers. He had shoulder pads and knee pads, for reasons the others didn't understand. The small skeleton looked over and noticed Fell, making an excuse to stop talking with his brother. The tall skeleton walked away, giving the smaller one time to walk over. He ran over to Fell and the others,"Hey Fell!"
"Hey Swap. We need a place to be just incase Nightmare decides to attack us." Fell replied. Swap looked over to Kitty, Ellie and Frisk. His face was a mix between confusion and happiness,"Why here then?"
" 'Cause this was the only other AU I knew the way to." Swap sighed and crossed his arms, "Well he's certainly after you right now." A bit after, everyone came out of the trees. "I think it's fair if we introduced ourselves, wouldn't it be, Fell?" Kitty said, holding out a hand to Swap, "Nice to meet you, my name is Kitty," Swap shook her hand, "a bit of a wierd name I know, but you can call me Kat or Kit if you'd like." she smiled.

"Nice to meet you too Kitty!" Swap responded. Ellie hesitated, but got the courage to speak, "My name is Ellie.. Nice to meet you.."
"And my name is Frisk." Swap smiled, "Nice to meet you both!" With all of the Introductions over, they stood talking about what had happened yesterday. Swap had a mixture of faces, shocked, confused, disappointed. He turned to Kitty, a bit concerned after he heard what happened when she fought Killer and Nightmare, "Are you okay??"  Kitty nodded, "Yes, Fell used his healing magic on me." She said smiling. Soon the atmosphere turned dark, everyone felt like the air was getting thicker. A sudden sadness came upon everyone. Kitty shivered, knowing Nightmare had found them once again.

Nightmare and his gang appeared, Swap took a step back, ready to fight. Nightmare laughed in a sinister tone,"Hiding in Underswap I see? Well your little journey will soon come to an end." He said. Ellie summoned a shield infront of her, ears tilting to the sides. Frisk stood their ground, holding a stick firmly in their hand. Fell smirked, summoning bones, "Beat it Nightmare, its 5 against 4, you're outnumbered." Fell said.
"Oh I know we're outnumbered, but who said I can't take on two people at once?"  Nightmare had an evil smirk on his face. Soon fighting broke out, Kitty and Fell attacked Nightmare in unison. Nightmare dodged of course, grabbing Kitty with one of his tantacles again and slamming her down onto the floor. Fell summoned a Gaster Blaster and cut the tentacle in half. Kitty fell to the floor, getting back up again.

In the meanwhile, Swap fought against Dust. Swap jumped up, summoning a Gaster Blaster, but sending bones out instead. Dust dodged them, breaking them one by one. Swap finally used the Gaster Blaster, shooting a lazer beam towards his opponent. Dust teleported to the side just in time.

Horror preoccupied Frisk, who swiftly dodged his attacks. Horror had miss after miss, waiting for Frisk to attack back. Frisk stood in place, dodging. Horror became confused, he wasn't being attacked. Only he was attacking, Frisk spared him each time. However, Horror continued to attack and missed each time.

And the only ones left were Killer and Ellie, who wasn't able to dodge perfectly, however, her shield did enough work to protect her. Soon enough, the shield flickered, sending her into a panic. Killer attacked, Ellie barely dodged, getting a little cut from the knife. Her shield disappeared, leaving her defenseless. She kept on trying to dodge, sometimes fully dodging, other times slightly getting hit or cut.

Nightmare continued to dominate the fight, being almost unbeatable. He continued attacking, Fell kept on dodging, Kitty got hit one too many times. Blood dripped from Kitty's mouth, she was holding onto her arm. Pain coursed through her body as she tried to get up and fight once more. However, she couldn't. She didn't have enough power to lift herself up off the cold floor. Fell continued doing what he did best, dodging and attacking. Each time was a hit, but it had no real effect on Nightmare.

Ellie started panicking, as soon as she saw Kitty in the floor, she waited for the perfect time to flee. Seeing her chance, she ran towards Kitty, planning to use the power she had left to heal her. She kneeled down next to her and placed a hand on her shoulder. Like Fell, something glowed green under her hand. Kitty turned to look at Ellie and smiled,".. Thank you..." She said. Ellie smiled back. Kitty saw Killer advancing behind Ellie, as soon as Killer had attacked, Kitty pushed herself and Ellie to the side to dodge the attack. Ellie fell the the floor, watching as Killer stumbled and fell towards Nightmare, knocking his balance off. Horror and Dust saw what had happened and stopped fighting. Swap took it as an opportunity to escape. He motioned for Frisk to run to the others, and they did so. Fell opened a portal,"kids, go through! Now!!" Frisk helped the others stand up and they all went through. Swap went up to Fell, "They aren't staying here any longer are they??" He quickly asked. Fell shook his head,"No. They'll wait until we go to a different AU. I need to go quickly, before one of them goes through the portal." Swap nodded as Fell rushed through the portal, closing it behind him. Swap teleported away.

(Word count: 1227)
(I know it took me a little while to write this but bear with me, the past week has been a bit busy-anyways, hope you enjoyed once again.)

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