Winners Yet Losers.

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"Stop. Let them go." Nightmare said. Killer, Dust and Horror watched as Fell stepped through the portal and closed it behind him. Dust held his head (skull), trying to prevent it from bleeding,"You got hit?"
"what does it look like sherlock?" Dust replied to Killer. Killer scoffed. Nightmare opened a portal,"Hurry up and go through. We'll deal with injuries later." He said. Horror went through, followed by Killer mocking Dust as they walked through. Nightmare followed, closing the portal behind him.

"Killer shut up!!" Dust shouted. Killer laughed at him. Horror shuffled away. Nightmare grabbed Dust by his hood,"Boss!! Don't drag me like that!!"
"It doesn't matter. You'll feel better later." Nightmare replied. He took Dust to a small, dark room with a pristene bed. Dust sat down on the bed, taking his jacket off and looking at the hole in the hood. Nightmare took bandages out of a small cupboard,"look down." he said. Dust stared at the floor as Nightmare wrapped up his wound,"It'll have to cover your eye." Nightmare stepped away as Dust stood up,"And next time let Killer take care of that girl." Nightmare said. Dust nodded and walked out, still holding the torn jacket.

None of Nightmare's crew knew how to heal, so they make sure to train to dodge. If they didn't dodge in time and got hurt the wound would take ages to heal, and that was not ideal for them. Killer lay on the couch, toying around with his knife,"And then we could ignore ink and just continue with what we're doing." Killer said as he was proposing a plan to Horror. He nodded silently as he listened to Killer, not taking any of the information in.

Dust walked in, tossing his torn jacket onto Killer's face,"How did she even get me."
"You didn't dodge, also take your stupid jacket! I don't want it!" Killer replied. Dust scoffed, looking away. Killer lifted whatever part of the jacket he could grasp with his hand, he then threw it towards Dust. The jacket was now in the middle of the floor. Seeing as no one else would pick it up, Horror took it and put it to the side.

Everyone was a bit moody that day, and they didn't blame themselves.

They were mostly moody anyways..

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