Ghost addiction

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Your entire family is ghost researchers. The interest has been passed down generation to generation; except it ended at you. Although you aren't into ghost research, you pretend to keep your dad proud.

It's always been just you and your dad, for as long as you can remember. It doesn't bother you, in fact you enjoy it being just the two of you.

The reason you hate ghost research so much is because your dad's a total sucker for anything ghost. AKA, if there's a ghost report in another town you'll pack up and head off to try and find it. Constantly moving causes a lack of stability in your life; however, if you're trying to find a plus side - talking to people has gotten easier.

You hope the next "ghost tip" finally means there's a ghost and you both can finally have a forever home.


"Dad... I don't understand. I thought you loved it here?" You cried. You had finally just settled down, made friends and got along with the teachers. "I can't just leave again and again you know that!"

Your dad barely glanced at you as he packed boxes frantically. He didn't want to miss the ghost again. "I have to do this, you know that sweetie. It's the family calling! . . . I thought you loved ghosts?" Your dad questioned still not turning around.

"I- It's. It's not about ghosts right now. It's about us leaving... always leaving." You stuttered out.

"You'll thank me when you're older and have plenty of ghost experience! You'll want it when you take on our reputation." He said pushing your annoyance away.

"Dad... about tha-"
"I'm ready to leave when you are! My stuffs packed" Your dad interrupted, finally turning to face you with a grin.

Silence filled the room for a moment. Your eyes lingering on him before begrudgingly turning around to pack.


"Amity park! Finally, the long awaited!" Your dad exclaimed.

You shot him a glance "Long awaited my ass-"
"What was that?"
You sighed and looked up at your new place. A small house in a quaint suburban neighborhood. It looked like every other one you've lived in. You didn't have high hopes in staying here long... You were sure you wouldn't find a ghost, just like every other time.

You sighed yet again and walked into your new house, unlocking the door with the key your dad had given you. You looked around and took note of your surroundings. To your left there were steep stairs leading to upstairs. Under, a small broom closet with no items. Just past staight ahead, there was a small kitchen designed in the usual suburban style. You couldn't help but notice the owners left a wooden duck wine holder. Further to the right was a living room with only half the room being seen before being cut off by a wall leading to a small hallway.

You took off your shoes in the entrance and immediately went upstairs to claim the biggest room. Although he was your dad, he still had to race you for the best things. You quickly sprinted up the creaky stairs and darted from room to room. You distinguished which was biggest and flopped down onto the floor.

After no indication of your dad coming in, you slowly got back up and checked out the window. Lucky for you, you had a great view of the street. "Lovely." You said unimpressed. However for now it served the purpose of seeing if your dad was there. He was not. "Damn that guy moves fast." You said impressed.
"Wait! Did he leave the truck on!" You rushed downstairs to quickly turn off the moving truck and lock it. You weren't sure how safe this area was; but "Amity Park" doesn't sound all that intimidating... but you never know so you didn't take any chances.

Swinging the keys around your fingers you had a walk around the neighborhood to see if you could find your dad and coax him into coming back to help you bring in boxes.


After a look around town, you realized how bleak this place truly was. There was very little around in walking distance. You felt a pang of nervousness yet relief knowing you'd be leaving this "ghost town" soon. You were lost in thought until you saw your dad. He had the biggest smile on his face running towards you.

"You'll never guess!" He beamed, his hands gripping your shoulder as he shook you excitedly.

"Uhh.. oh no, don't tell m-"
"YEP! A ghost! He interrupted, finally stopping to gague your reaction.

"You mean... we're staying?" You asked nervously.

"Yep! You'll finally get that forever home you wanted." He smiled towards you. The silence rung out as he awaited your excitement; he thought the news of both a ghost and a forever home would bring you just as much excitement as he had.
You just stared at him blankly. You weren't sure how to react. Yes, you had a permanent home, but now you were going to play ghost interrogation with your dad.

He interrupted your thoughts for a moment to break the silence "You'll never guess what the ghost was made of."
"Meat! Haha!"
He beamed at you and you finally reacted. You let out a small sigh before a small smile etched into your features seeing him so happy. Your reaction reflected back onto him, making his smile even wider knowing you were happy with the decision to stay.

"oH! By the way dad, I call the biggest room."


Okay just a small introduction into the town and a little about your past. I know the first chapter isn't too exciting but it's necessary!
I'm hoping to make this story slow burn, but I'm bad at writing so it might also end up going fast. If it does I don't mean it too, my bad.
Anyways have a nice day :D
Approx: 1,000 words

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