Ghost showdown

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You opened your tired eyes and lazily reached over towards your PDA. Checking the time, you realised how late it was. You had issues falling asleep the night before; especially once your dad got home. He watched the news until late and all they covered was news about Danny getting into trouble. You shook your head, a long sigh leaving your lips. You groggily sat up and stepped out of bed, your entire body was sore, it hurt to move around. Stretching a little, you made your way over towards the shower to get off all the grime from the day before. Letting the water embrace you, you were finally able to de-tense your shoulders. Today. Today I've got to save Danny. We're getting him back.

You dried yourself off and got changed. Quickly grabbing your laptop, you checked on the news about Danny for yourself. Immediately, a ton a videos and photos came up, followed by his list of crimes. You swallowed hard as you watched a video of Danny phasing through a vault holding bags of money. He smiled wickedly watching the other ghosts faze out and shot a plasma ray towards the camera. There were pictures plastered everywhere with Phantom. He wore gold chains loosely around his neck, but the most striking steal was a gold crown that rested upon his head. You rubbed your temples, trying to decrease your headache. Pulling you out of your worry, Sam and Tucker both called you in a shared videocall.

"Morning." Tucker stated plainly.

"Morning..." You yawned.

Sam gave you both a weak smile, "You guys holding up okay?" You nodded looking off towards your door before getting up and closing it so your dad wouldn't hear.

"I'm good... are you? You look rough." Tucker stated glancing over Sam. It looked like she hadn't slept at all.

"I'm okay, I've just been keeping track of what's been going on." Sam explained.

"So you've seen the news... We've got to save Danny." Tucker glanced at both of you.

"How ironic is it I'm stuck under house arrest while my parents go to a free Circus Gothica show?" Sam crossed her arms annoyed.

"Only slightly less ironic than the fact that they were right about it being evil." Tucker said looking over towards you sympathetically.

"I don't know if you guys are going, but I've gotta do something." You said getting up.

"Count me in." Sam said putting on her boots.

Tucker gave you both a small smile, "Me two... We'll meet by the front gates, okay?" The three of you nodded before hanging up. You quickly ran downstairs and looked around. You dad was sitting around the kitchen writing something down. It amazed you that he could get so little sleep and still be productive.

"I'm heading out, okay?" You stated slipping on your shoes.

"Are you sure it's a good idea with all these ghosts around?" You dad looked up at you, pausing from what he was doing.

"I'll be fine dad. I'm just running over to Sam's, where not going into the city." You smiled up at him, holding the door open a little. Obviously, you lied.

He shrugged, "Okay be safe." You smiled over towards him before closing the door. Although Circus Gothica was evil, your dad had no interest in it. His only ever interest were ghosts... if he knew there were ghosts there, he'd be waiting in line last night for that free show. To him, if you wanted to go to a Circus, especially since he didn't have to pay, he didn't really care. Compared to Sam's parents, it was a breeze. You shook your head and picked up the pace, heading over to Freak Show's Circus.


Tucker called you to change the rendezvous location. He was the first one there and quickly picked up on the large amount of people waiting inline to get into the Circus. They were all adults waiting for the free show. If one of them caught you and sent you back home to your dad, he'd be furious. You guys held your breath as you slowly made your way around, sneaking by a few lingering people on the sides, before spotting Freak Show's train somewhere off to the side. Upon spotting it, the three of you let out a shaky breath and walked over quietly.

You pressed your back against the train and held your hands together, getting ready to boost them up. They quickly clued in, Sam being the first to step on, followed by Tucker. They both looked down at you before reaching their hands out and pulling you up as well. Sam quickly bent down to examine a hatch that sat on top of the train, before pulling it open and jumping in. Tucker followed quickly, falling flat on his face with a grunt, while you lowered yourself in slowly.

The three of you looked around nervously. The sheer amount of valuables that had been stolen by Danny and the other ghosts was... astronomical. You felt a pang of nervousness as you looked around, recognising some of the priceless artifacts that lingered about.

Shaking off the worry, the three of you pushed forward further into the train. At the same time, the three of you gasped at the notice of Freak Show's staff lingering off towards the corner. You blinked a few times at the sickening red shade, shaking off the numb feeling.

Sam started, "There's the crystal ball! Let's grab it and- "A painful blast to the chest hit the three of you, pushing you back out of the train. You grimaced and looked up, spotting Danny float out of the train, the remanence of the green plasma blast still on his hands, and very prominent bags under his eyes from not sleeping. Freak Show quickly stepping out after him; he leaned against the staff with a satisfied grin on his face as the train quickly started and chugged along the tracks.

"W-wait!" You got up and started chasing after it.

"Danny no!" Sam stood up, pulling Tucker with her.

Freak show laughed, "Yes... yes, please scream. A shame anyone that might help you is... busy enjoying my free show!" The train quickly sped off. You swallowed hard, your eyes darting around for anything that could help you. Up ahead, there was a small overpass the train would have to go under. To get into the train while it moved, you'd have to make your way up there.

"Sam! Tucker! Follow me!" You shouted behind you, forcing yourself to pick up the pace. They obliged and followed you without question until you sat above the moving train. "We've gotta jump!" You let out a shaky breath, stepping up onto the ledge.

"You crazy?! I can't jump!" Tucker said looking down at the train then back towards you.

"...and I can't abandon Danny!" Sam yelled grabbing both you and Tuckers hand. Forcing the two of you to jump with her. The three of you gave each other a reassuring nod before taking a deep breath and jumping onto the train, hitting it with a hard thud. "Plus... I'll never hear the end of it if my parents found out their right about him being evil." Sam stated groaning a little from the pain.

Tucked rubbed his ribs and quickly the three of you started making your way towards the front of the train. If you were going to save Danny, you'd have to stop it from moving. You held your breath every time you'd have to jump over an opening between train carts. Barely paying attention to what was ahead of you, two of the green ghosts appeared in front of you, forcing you guys to stop in your tracks. You gasped making eye contact with them. The three of you quickly turned around, only to be met by Danny.

"Danny... it's us. Sam, Y/N and Tucker! Your best friends remember?" Sam shouted, trying to get him to snap out of it. The three of you held your breath, waiting for him to respond. After a few seconds of a confused expression, Danny shook his head a little, his red eyes fading back to green. The three of you smiled happily.

"Y/N...? Sam? Tucker? I... I..." He shook his head again, his eyes fading back to red. "I'm a ghost. I have no friends." He looked back up at the three of you annoyed. Your smiles faltered and you bit your lip.

"Don't waste your breath children...." Freak show spoke, making the three of you jump and turn to his voice. He held up his staff, that same numb feeling finally overtaking you. You shook your head, but it didn't go away. "He's under my control now." Freak show finished, pulling himself up. You gripped onto Sam, stumbling a little as your vision faded in and out. What the hell is happening to me. You looked up into Freak Show's staff again, feeling totally overwhelmed. "Don't just stand there! Finish them!" He commanded towards Danny and his ghost posse. You grit your teeth together, grabbing onto Sam's shirt. The overwhelming feeling to throw her off completely overtaking you. Sam grabbed your hand and looked into your eyes; concern written all over her face.

"You okay...? It's going to be okay." She said, gripping your hand harder. You shook your head, finally fading out of that horrible state. You gripped her hand back and turned your attention back towards the fight.

"Maybe you should try holding that thing up a little higher...?" Tucker said to Freak Show. Freak Show obeyed, thinking it was advice until it was ripped out of his hand by a sign over the railway. Tucker jumped up into the air, going to catch it. It stumbled around a little in his hands before it slipped out. The three of you turned around to see it land carefully in Danny's hand. "Way to go man!" Tucker smiled towards him happily, a sigh of relief leaving his lips. "Now gimme five!" He held up his hand towards Danny. Danny smiled, a green ray appearing in his hand before he high fived Tucker, causing him to fly back into one of the ghosts with a grunt.

"Very good drone... Now, bring me my staff. Come on! Bring it!" Freak show commanded. Danny looked up at him unamused and confused, glancing in between him and the staff.

"Fight it, Danny! He's not holding the crystal ball anymore. You are!" Sam stated, stepping in front of Freak Show. He quickly grabbed her shoulders and pushed her back, causing her to almost stumble off the edge. You grabbed her wrist and steadied her back onto the cart.

"Silence!" Obey me ghost. Bring me my staff! Come on." Freak show said, holding out his hands towards Danny. Danny sweat looking between the three of you.

You pulled Sam closer to you, "Danny! Fight him! I... Sam, Tucker and I can't live without you. You fought him the entire time we were in that house! Fight him now Danny!"

Danny shook his head again, covering his face with his hands, "Quiet! All of you! I need to think!"

Freak Show grew annoyed, "Stop them! Now!"

"Well... It's the crystal ball, or your friends Danny! Your choice" Sam yelled over. The ghosts Freak Show commanded made their way over towards the two of you, walking you both closer to the edge. You paused and clenched your fists; if you had to, you were going to fight your way out. Sam's footing faltered and she stumbled back, "I didn't mean that to be so literal!" Sam yelled as she slipped. You turned around and tried to grab her wrist, just barely missing.

"Sam! No!" Both you and Tucker yelled. You held your breath, taking a small step back before jumping off after her.

"Sam! I've got you!" You yelled, holding your hand out. A few tears left her eyes as she grabbed your hand back. You pulled her close and faced yourself towards the ground, shutting your eyes tightly. You planned to shield her from the fall. In your mind, you were already dead. Just someone who was given another chance at life as a favor. Sam on the other hand, was alive and one of your best friends. You had to protect her. She bit her lip and held onto you tighter before you felt yourself abruptly stop and slowly get lifted back up towards the train. Slowly, the both of you carefully opened your eyes, quickly picking up on the fact Danny had caught you guys. He grimaced a little at the weight but continued to pull the both of you up.

"Are you guys both okay?" You looked between Sam and Danny.

"I think so... it's all a blur. I did some bad stuff didn't I?" Danny glanced down towards the both of you.

Sam let a sigh of relief out, "Nothing you can't fix." She de-tensed her shoulders and smiled towards you. You returned it quickly. Danny flew up beside the train and set the both of you down carefully, turning to face Freak Show, an annoyed expression plastered on his face.

"Good. Now maybe you can convince tiny to let go of me." Tucker smiled towards the three of you, then glancing up towards the ghost holding him. The ghost shook his head, the red leaving his eyes, the other ghosts following suite.

"What... huh? Where, are we?" One of the ghosts said, shaking her head a little.

"Are we free? Finally free?!" The smaller ghost spoke up.

"Only one way to find out!" Danny smiled towards Freak Show. All the ghost, including Danny grabbed Freak Show, turning him intangible and forcing him into the train. A breath you didn't know you'd been holding left your lips as you slumped down onto the train cart.

Sam looked down towards you and put her hand on your head, "Thanks for... trying to save me. It means a lot."

You glanced up towards her, "Oh. It was nothing really. I'd do anything for you guys" You stated giving her a reassuring thumbs up. It hadn't really set in what you almost did. From that height, you both would've died no matter what. A little ways down you could see cop cars and angry parents surrounding the tracks, forcing the train to stop.


After a few police interviews and talking to parents, you were finally able to make your way home. Your entire body ached, and your head hurt. The adrenaline from the night finally wore off and you were exhausted. You opened the door to your home; your dad being passed out on the couch greeted you. A small chuckle left your lips as you shook your head disapprovingly. You slipped off your shoes and made your way over to him as the news played out quietly in the background. You bit your lip as you, Sam, and Tuckers faces appeared during a broadcast. You quickly turned off the TV before tossing a blanket over him. You yawned and rubbed your eyes, making your way upstairs. After getting ready for bed and turning off your lights, you almost crashed down before a small knock on the window broke you out of your tired trance. Turning to face it, you saw Phantom nervously smiling towards you as he held onto the windowsill. You blinked a couple times before running off towards your door and shutting it, then turning around and giving him permission to enter. He phased through slowly then quickly de-transformed into Fenton. His tired eyes lingered on you for a moment before collapsing into your bed.

"Danny... are you okay?" You asked walking over towards him. He mumbled something lazily with his head in your pillow. "Pardon?"

He turned his head over a little, "I know your dad's home but... I didn't want to be alone tonight."

You looked over him quietly; after everything he went through it's no surprise he didn't want to be alone. You gave him a small smile before rubbing his back a little. "I might have a change of clothes for you... if you don't want to sleep in jeans?"

He gave you a soft smile and got up slowly, looking at you with tired eyes. You quickly made your way towards your draws rooting around for some old sweatpants you knew you had. Pulling them out and holding them towards him, he kept his eyes off you and took them carefully. He paused for a moment and gripped onto the pants tightly, "I... I'm so sorry, everything I did... Especially to you." He breathed out, his voice cracking a little.

You gave him a surprised look, "...It's okay Danny. I know you couldn't help it." You smiled before pulling your arm up into a flexing position and gripping it with your other hand. "Besides... I'm not even hurt!" He bit his lip, and you couldn't help but notice a few tears in his eyes. Your smile faltered; you hadn't ever really seen Danny this upset. Your heart felt heavy, as you quickly pulled Danny into a hug, holding onto him tightly. He reciprocated it, pulling you closer as he let out a few quiet sniffles. "It's going to be okay Danny... I've got you." You whispered. He let out a shaky breath and held you tighter as if you would slip from his grasps.

You brought him towards the bed and laid him down, taking the sweatpants out of his hands as he hid his face from you. You laid down next to him and brought him back into a tight hug. He paused for a second before embracing you once again, a few shaky sobs leaving his throat. You ran your fingers through his hair and rested your chin on his head, as you whispered reassuring nothings into his ears until his quiet sobs slowly disappeared.

After a little while, you finally decided to speak up, "You okay Danny?" You asked, peaking down towards him. You quickly shut your mouth upon noticing his sleeping form. He gripped onto the back of your shirt tightly even in his sleep, and a few quiet snores left his mouth. You felt your face heat up a little, I really do like Danny... don't I? You swallowed hard and pulled him back into your chest. You closed your eyes as you plopped your face back into his hair. You'd deal with your feelings later. For now, Danny's were more important. His fingers slowly let go of your shirt, until his arms hung loosely around you, fully letting go. A relived breath left your lips knowing he was okay as you slowly fell asleep yourself. 

You've got my attention - Danny Phantom X Readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें