Fitness test

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You and Sam caught your breath and shared a fist bump, finally plopping down on some side bleachers after the 'Presidential physical test'. While you weren't as active as Sam... what she did was beyond your capabilities; you were still doing alright. Your dad did keep you active, aaaall in the 'name of ghosts'; so, running wasn't exactly that difficult. "You've got plans later tonight, Sam?" You asked, giving her a small smile.

She glanced towards Tucker and Danny, the two of them had partnered up and were struggling. Mrs. Tetslaff watched over them with a slightly annoyed expression, "I don't know yet. I'm sure she'll make plans for me." Sam gestured towards the teacher; a lop-sided smile planted on her face.

You rolled your eyes with a snort. You understood what she was hinting at, "I'm sure you're not mad. You'd give anything to boss them around."

She laughed a little, shrugging her shoulders, "You know me so well." The two of you giggled as Sam was signalled over by the teacher right on cue. She gave you a small wave before bouncing over happily, her hands resting on her hips as she was explained her task. Your head rested in your hands as you watched Sam drag Tucker away. A small giggle leaving your lips as Tucker held his hand out for Danny in a desperate attempt at salvation. Sam however paid no mind to his struggle. It didn't take long for Danny to be paired up with someone as well - Dash. Your giggling quieted down as they stood there slightly awkwardly. However, it didn't take long for Dash to fall victim to his old habits; quickly pulling Danny closer threateningly by the collar of his shirt. You stood up quickly, pausing for a moment to see if he'd stop, to which he did. Slowly, he let go and shrugged him off, taking his leave through the gym doors. You let loud a long sigh before finally making your way over towards Danny.

You lightly pat Danny's shoulder, a solemn expression, "Are you alright?"

Danny took a step back from you, "I still can't understand why you guys are friends." You paused for a second, not expecting that reaction. He quickly continued, his slightly hostile expression faltering, "I mean-...!" A slightly annoyed sigh left his lips before looking back at you, "It doesn't matter."

You shuffled a little on the spot, once again, peeved that Dash made you explain your friendship. Last time you brought it up though he-... You shook it off, "He's... trying. I think? Ugh..." You rubbed your face frustrated to which Danny re-took his step close to you, giving you a few reassuring pats on the back.

"I'll put up with him. He's gotta be nice eventually, right?" He smiled.

You felt your face warm up slightly. This. This is why you valued Danny so much. He trusted you. Trusted you more than you wanted. You gave him a small smile, "I'd like to think so." Danny gave you a small nod as the bell rang. While most kids were struggling to run before, they certainly weren't now as they tried to escape the gym teacher's wrath. "I'm surprised your ghost powers don't help out your human physique." You stated, glancing him over. He looked the same as he always did. No matter how hard he worked in ghost form it never seemed to change anything. At least if it did, you hadn't noticed.

"It doesn't really matter. I'd like to see the president try some of the stuff I do on the regular." He shrugged, dissing the presidential physical test with a smile.

You laughed a little, "In that respect, you're definitely a lot cooler."

Danny smiled, his eyes sparkling slightly, "You think I'm cool?"

... "I think you're cool Danny." You repeated, reciprocating his smile.


You sat preoccupied by as Tucker had his training basically beaten into him by Sam. Her boot on his back as he attempted push-ups. He basically groaned with every motivational quote Sam would spew out in an attempt to cheer him up. It didn't. In fact, it seemed to... make him weaker?

You however, we're busy trying to de-code the files you'd transferred over from Vlad's computer. Doing it on a PDA was nothing short of a nightmare but you needed to get them open as quickly as possible. When you told Sam you had been successful, she was relieved that's for sure. The small reassuring pat she gave you was evident of that.
You glanced up at her, eyes just above your PDA. She still seemed stressed regardless though. I think after you finally opened up to her, it put a small weight on her shoulders. She was a good friend of course, but holding a secret like this from both Danny and Tucker was probably not something she particularly enjoyed... and it almost looked like she was taking it out on them a little in training.

"Come on Foley! Keep going." Sam smiled, a glint of mischief shinning through. A small shiver ran up your spine; you were just glad it wasn't you.

"I can't! Your boot weights a ton!" Tucker shot back annoyed then glanced towards Danny for some sympathy, "How 'bout a hand Danny?"

Danny gave him a small smile and set down his drink; and with a close eyed smile, clapped. You giggled, nudging Danny jokingly to which his smile only got bigger, his hands quickly being shoved in his pockets with a giddy glint in his eye.

"Oh you're hilarious." Tucker spoke annoyed, rolling his eyes.

"Hey, when you've got superpowers... you can afford to be. Besides. Why should I care about some stupid fitness test?-"
"Because if you fail I fail!" Dash popped up out of nowhere from behind, startling you and Danny.

Tucker quickly piped up, using the resentment from training to roast Dash, "And if he fails at gym, that would blemish his stellar D- GPA." Tucker added, pushing Sam's boot away and dusting himself off.

Dash shot him an annoyed look, hopping over the fence and standing next to you. Surprisingly, he didn't do anything other than that. A small sigh of relief left your lips at his somewhat lack of hostility. Danny quickly cleared his throat, taking a step away from Dash, "You don't get to be hilarious." He said in Tuckers direction to which Dash seemed to only seethe at more.

You gave Dash a small reassuring pat on the back, hoping it'd take his attention away as Sam spoke up, "And... that's our cue to run."

"What do you mean our cue?" Tucker glanced over annoyed, the idea of more fitness getting to him, "I'm not running any-" Sam pulled out a small handheld device, something that immediately caught Tucker's attention, "...why do you have a SmartTech 5000? It's not even on the market yet."

"The real question is are you fast enough to get it form me?" Sam smirked, holding the device close by before taking off.

You gave her a small wave as Tucker quickly ran after her, "Come back! Gimme gimme gimme!"

Dash paid no attention to them, as his fully attention was now turned to Danny, "Listen here Fenton." Dash spoke coldly, taking a step closer. You moved to his aid, pulling back on Dash's sweater just as Danny's ghost sense went off.

You and Danny glanced at each other worriedly before both your attention was turned behind you, Skulker quickly launching mistles at the three of you. Without much warning, Danny grabbed hold of the two of you, quickly turning intangible.
You all collapsed against the floor, a small groan leaving your lips as you felt yourself turn tangible again.

"Ah! Ghost!" Danny cried, pointing up in the direction of Skulker. He wasted no time in pushing Dash off him, and immediately fleeing the scene, "Run run! It's a ghost!" He glanced back, a small remorseful look on his face as he ran, trying to get somewhere he could turn into Phantom.

Just as you re-gained your bearings Dash quickly pulled you up to your feet, wasting no time in grabbing your wrist and pulling you away from the ghost. You quickly picked up the pace, running along side Dash as the two of you tried to get away from Skulker. The only reason you felt any worry was for Dash. He looked tense as he kept a firm grip on your wrist, a nervous expression on his features. Oh Danny, please hurry.

The two of you continued running, blasts from Skulker just barely missing you. A small squeak left Dash's lips and you quickly pulled your hand from his wrist, grabbing his instead as you yanked him through an ally way. Skulker continued to chase the two of you as you tried weaving through streets and parked cars; however, you just couldn't shake him off.

That was until Danny came to the rescue. It was short lived, him almost immediately being pinned by Skulker to the ground. Danny's hands shot up, trying to push Skulker off him but a shot from somewhere you didn't know hit the two of them, a small gasp leaving your lips as they disappeared. You let go of Dash and ran over to where they vanished, Dash trailing behind you before he was shot at as well.

A voice quickly called out happily from above, "Don't worry Y/N! With Jack Fenton around no ghost will ever hurt the citizens of Amity!" He chimed happily. However, you had a look of dread on your face. Although you wanted to call out a thanks... anything at all, your eyes darted back down, looking at where they'd been shot. With no indication of them around your hands trembled lightly.

It didn't take long for a tiny looking Phantom to pop up just in front of your eyes, "Danny!" you smiled, relieved he was alright.

He smiled back at you before glancing down at Skulker and Dash, "I've gotta take care of things out here. Do you think you could find a way to get the device from my dad?" A tiny scream could be heard from Dash and Danny didn't wait for your answer, darting down to Dash to help him out.

You glanced down at the small fight that was about to ensue, and quickly grabbed Skulker before he could hurt them. "Well, I'm not much of a baseball player but here goes nothing." You spoke lowly before giving it your best throw. Tossing him as far as you possibly could. The two of them smiled up at you as Danny grabbed Dash, floating up, "We'll meet you up there alright?"

I nodded, giving the two of them a small smile, "I won't let you guys down." I said, before quickly making my way to the front door of their house. You were going to have to go up there and get the device from his dad, then open the window for them. It shouldn't be too difficult... You quickly knocked on the door, nervously fiddling with my fingers as you waited for someone to answer the door.

It was Maddie. A warm smile greeted you the second she made eye contact, "Oh! Y/N! I apologise but neither Danny nor your father are here this morning... I'm sorry sweetie."

"Oh. Is that so..." You mumbled, quickly playing into it. "I just had something to give to Danny.. do you mind if I leave it in his room?"

She gave you a small nod before moving to the side to let you in. You graciously thanked her, and quickly darted up past her, making your way up the stairs. You wasted little to no time pushing open the door to Fenton works, immediately bumping into his dad.

"Ghost!" He screamed, quickly grabbing hold of you.

"Mr. Fenton! Relax! It's just me..." You quickly shook him out of it; him giving you a confused look as he glanced between you and a device in his hands.

He fiddled with it for a moment, mumbling out a small apology before looking back down at you, "That's odd, the alarm is usually only triggered if a ghost is trying to get in." He spoke, fiddling with it a little more before shutting it off completely and stuffing it into his back pocket.

You gave him a small smile and shook your head, "Please, it's alright Mr. Fenton. No harm done."

"Please! Call me Jack! You've been friends with Danny so long it's only right." He smiled widely, ruffling your hair, and messing it up a little. You nodded in agreeance, but it still didn't feel right to call him Jack. "What are you doing up here anyways?" He asked, his smile still resting on his features as he took a step back from you.

You quickly cleared your throat, trying to find a quick lie, "Oh! Well... my dad's been over a lot I just-... thought I'd get a look at what he was... working on..?" You mumbled, your eyes nervously falling off him.

He seemed to buy your lie, his smile widening, "Lucky man! What I would give to have my children care a little more about ghosts." He sighed; however, he shook it off, giving you another pat to your head, "Sadly he's not here but I'd love to show you!" He wasted no time in grabbing your wrist and pulling you down the stairs.

Sorry Danny... Looks like you're going to have to wait...

Life is literally kicking my ass rn. Not live laugh loving. Anywayssss... hopefully it was alright :D!
Again, just trying to get into the swing of writing so I apologise if it's a little off.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2023 ⏰

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