Family trip

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We're skipping Season 2 episode 3.
If you like that episode, I'm so sorry but a chapter like this is due eventually.
Enjoy! :D

"Huh?" You stood there a little confused, as you turned to face your dad.

"I said... a family trip!" Your dad smiled as he shuffled around with a few things on his desk.

"Family... trip...?" You asked confused. He nodded to confirm before slipping a few things into his bag.

"It's only a weekend trip... Besides, we don't really do anything together these days." Your dad explained, looking up towards you, a big smile plastered on his face.

"This isn't... ghost related, is it?" You crossed your arms and narrowed your eyes at him sceptically. He shook is head. "Aaand... were not moving away and you're just tricking me, right?" He shook his head again. You smiled towards him relieved, "Sweet! Where are we going?" You asked pushing yourself further into his room, collapsing down in a chair beside his bed.

"There's a spot up north. I thought we'd take our camping gear and hike up the mountain a ways... maybe, I could teach you a little more about constellations and space or... something." Your dad said rubbing his neck awkwardly. Ever since you turned 10, your dad had brought you along every ghost adventure he had. It was all he ever wanted to talk about after your birthday. The dad who read you bedtime stories, taught you about the stars, and took you swimming to the nearest lake disappeared after that. He became his father pretty quickly in that aspect.

You groaned mentally at the thought of your grandfather. Although he was sweet, he was... somehow worse than your dad in the sense of being a ghost researcher. He didn't have a care in the world when it came to his well being, as long as there was a ghost involved. Like I mentioned, family tradition.

"Yeah, that sounds great dad." You smiled towards him, "When are we heading out?" Sadly, these days you seemed to be turning into your dad too. You've been doing a lot of ghost hunting. A break would be nice.

"Tomorrow morning... I think? It'll give us the entire day to hike." Your dad explained, bringing himself into his closet and picking up a few things.

You pushed yourself off the chair and turned to the door, glancing over your shoulder back at him, "Tomorrow morning then?"

"Tomorrow morning." Your dad confirmed, pulling his head from his closet, and giving you a thumbs up.

A happy sigh left your lips, walking off towards your room. It has been a long time since the two of you spent any quality time together. Quickly opening the door, you reached under your bed and pulled out a backpack. Smacking it a little to get the dust off, you unzipped it. Shaking out the inside with a huff, you set it back down and walked over to your dresser, pulling out a few things. Re-folding a few pairs of clothes, you set them down carefully down into your bag. You zipped up a few more essentials, before tossing your bag off to the side by your door. You glanced over at the ghost bracelet that rested on your desk. Shaking your head a little with a smile, you felt a little insane for even considering bringing it. You picked it up and inspected it, before strapping it to your wrist. Just in case.

You crashed down into your bed, a small smile planted on your face as you pulled out your PDA.
You: Sorry, guys plans have changed
You: I can't come over to Danny's tomorrow night anymore :(
Samikins: What! Nooo, I only come for you
Red: Hey! That's rude.
Ghost Boy: :( why?
You: My dad made plans with me for once
Red: Aye word? Nice.
Samikins: Yeah congrats
Samikins: Don't worry about it, if anything happens, we'll tell you
Ghost boy: *thumbs up*

The smile stayed plastered on your face for awhile longer before you yawned. You didn't want to miss star gazing with your friends but, for now your dad was more important. He never asked to do things with you anymore; and whenever you'd gathered the courage to ask him, he'd brush you off. A small bit of adrenaline rushed through you as you thought about the next day, happiness radiating off you. A small happy squeak left your lips as you pulled the covers over you, hoping to fall asleep faster.

Yeah, maybe it was childish you were so excited. However, it barely crossed your mind as you forced your eyes shut, trying to calm yourself down. Taking a few deep breaths, you slowly drifted off to sleep.

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