Phantom hangout

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Quicknote: This is an in between episodes. The episode is "teacher of the year" butjust before the beginning. I'd been kinda mentioning you starting and gettinggood at playing the game :) soo- anyways here u go.


You woke up from the alarm on your PDA going off. You groaned and cuddled into your blanket further. You opened your eyes a crack when you remembered you didn't have a blanket last night.

"Are you gonna turn off that annoying racket?" You heard your dad say from the kitchen.

"Dad?" You groggily asked rubbing your eyes and sitting up.

"Yea, you surprised to see me?" He asked looking over towards you.

"Haha, kinda yea." You smiled over towards him and got up. You grabbed your PDA and turned off the alarm. You quietly sat down at the dinner table as he set down some breakfast for you and himself.

"I thought... after last night I should be here this morning." He said looking at you concerned

"Last night...?" You yawned looking at him confused.

"You fought your first ghost. It uh- was broadcasted everywhere." He explained looking at you worried, "I didn't even realise you... you-" He stopped himself and looked at you.

"Sorry dad..." You apologized looking away from him.

"Don't apologize, it's my fault. I should've been there instead of you." He put his hand on your shoulder to comfort you. I guess that's where you get the shoulder hold comfort thing from.

"Don't worry about it dad. I'm okay, I promise." You said shrugging his hand off you. He looked at you for a moment worried before he sighed and let you go. You slowly got up and went upstairs, closing the bathroom door behind you.

You walked over and stared at yourself in the mirror. You lifted your shirt up again to see the marks still there, however, you held your breath for a moment. They looked so much worse than they did the night before. The night before they were purple because of the bruising. This time, the bruising combined with green and yellow patches made it look awful. You finally let go of your breath and pulled back down your shirt. It'd be okay. You'd be okay.

You never were good at anything ghost. This just made you realise how real your dad's job was. How dangerous it was. You swallowed hard ad got ready for school.


As you walked into school, Sam was the first to greet you, "Y/N. Are- are you okay?" She asked worried, "You left without, really saying anything."

"I'm okay Sam, I was just in shock from everything that happened." You smiled at her with tired eyes.

"So... everything's okay? We're, okay?" She made sure

You giggled a little, "Yes Sam, we're okay."

She smiled at you and a relived sigh left her lips, "Thank God! Cause- there's this new update in Doomed, we should really play tonight."

"You're house?" You smiled and leaned into her.

"My house." She confirmed.

You guys walked through the halls together until you both spotted Tucker and Danny up ahead. Once they saw you, Tucker waved, and Danny hid behind him a little bit looking nervous.

"Hey guys." Sam greeted warmly.

"G'morning Sam, Y/N." Tucker replied.

"Good- good morning..." Danny nervously added.

You looked at him for a moment, "Danny, what you did and said wasn't your fault. You were under Ember's spell, there's no reason to be nervous." You giggled

He looked at you skeptically for a second before coming out from behind Tucker, "Thank God, I thought you'd all make fun of me." He laughed.

Sam laughed, "We'd never do that, Boo."

Danny's face turned red, "Not funny. Sam." Everyone laughed at Danny's expense as he looked at the three of you annoyed.

As you laughed you felt a tap on your shoulder, "Hm?" you turned around to see Kwan.

"Can I... Can I talk to you for a second?" He asked fiddling with his fingers nervously.

"Yea course... Uh. I'll be right back guys." You left without turning back around.

As you walked away you heard the three of them let out a sigh of relief and Sam spoke up, "Looks like, she didn't realize..." You paused for a second confused before Kwan turned around to look at you expectingly. You quickly shook it off and picked up the pace behind him. He pulled you away to a more secluded area of the school. He bowed a little, "I-I'm so sorry Y/N. I don't know what came over me last night, I didn't-"
"Kwan, it's okay. No one knew what they were doing. You were no exception." You interrupted.

"That doesn't mean I'm not still sorry." He said scratching the back of his neck.

"Don't worry about it, everything turned out okay." You smiled reassuringly at him. He sighed a little and gave you a weak smile before he let you go back to your other friends. You walked over and glanced down to Danny's wrist. It didn't have Phantom's bracelet. It only held the one he made while you all hung out a few days earlier. You shook your head and laughed under your breath.

You've got my attention - Danny Phantom X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now