The town hero

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Hello! This chapter is almost double what is usually is, resting at about 2,300 words or so. This one is still a little all over the palce because I'm tired, but hopefully it's readable. Anyways I hope you enjoy the chapter!


After awhile, the warm cloth on your arm became cold. The adrenaline had started fading away, and you were beginning to feel a bit more of the damage Dash had done. The bell rang after a couple more minutes, and you were now technically late to class. You slowly pulled yourself up and cleaned up a little in the nurse's room. Taking one last glance at yourself in the mirror to check out the bruise that started to form around your collar bone. You sighed and rubbed it, hoping somehow that'd make it fade away.

Quickly leaving before a teacher caught you in there, you started making your way to one of your classes. You didn't really want to grab the books out of your locker; nor did you think you'd even be able to hold them up properly.

Walking into class, without any hesitation Mr. Lancer called you over. You gulped thinking about everything you've done wrong in your life, as if somehow, he'd known you accidentally stole a candy bar when you were 7. To make things worse, the entire classes eyes were on you.

"Yes...? Sir?" You asked holding back your nerves.

"Your late. Without any books at that." He spoke.

"Uh- yea. About that it's just- "You stopped yourself once you noticed he was staring at the now forming bruise. You uncomfortably rubbed that spot and continued to try and make some excuse up.

"Come outside with me." He commanded and announced to the class that he'd be right back. You gulped and followed him out quietly. He closed the door slowly then looked at you, "I told you before, if you ever needed help you could always come to me." He said looking down at you sympathetically.

"I don't need any help with school. I've always been good at it." You said not being able to look him in the eyes.

"I don't just mean schoolwork." He pointed at your collarbone, and you uncomfortably shifted on the spot.

"Is it from school? Or from home?" He interrupted.

You held your breath and blinked back tears. This was becoming very overwhelming for you.
"I don't want to talk about this right now, sir." You said barely above a whisper.

He looked at you and sighed, "I understand. Again, I keep this proposition open for you. I'll be here if you need anything. In school or out."

You finally looked up at him and he gave you a reassuring smile, "Don't worry about being late." You let out a relieved sigh and he led you back into class. Quickly taking your seat next to Kwan you couldn't help but notice Danny looking at you. He was still wearing the sweater you'd loaned him before, and it looked like he had something he really wanted to say; but the teacher cut him off to continue the lesson.


Finally. End of the day had been beckoning you for awhile. You were excited to get home and let yourself rest. Maybe put that warm cloth back on. You got up slowly but were immediately stopped by Danny.

"Can I... talk to you?" He asked a little hesitant.

You paused for a second and looked at him. He looked a little desperate. "Yea. Yea course Danny."

He gave a small smile, and he started making his way out of class. You quietly followed him, hoping this truly wasn't him saying, I never wanna see you again, or something like that. He pulled you into an emptier side of campus and turned around to face you. He took a deep breath, "I'm sorry!"

You were taken aback a little. You were expecting him to kick you out of the friend group. To get mad. To do anything but apologise. "Wha-? Why are you sorry?" you asked

"For not being a good friend. I didn't even realise I was avoiding you." He explained

You paused for a moment and looked at him sceptically. How'd he know you felt that way? Especially if he didn't even realise what he was doing... Did Phantom leave to tell him? You couldn't help but feel a little betrayed; you trusted Phantom with what you told him.

"Apology accepted Danny." You smiled at him and flicked him in the forehead. Whether or not Phantom had told him, Danny apologising was exactly what you needed right now.

He smiled, a look of relief washing over his face, "So, we're still friends yea?"

"Course, buddy." You winked on buddy, and he giggled a little bit.

He turned to walk home and waved at you. Whether or not he wanted to admit it, it had been a hard few days and talking to you made him feel a little better.

You've got my attention - Danny Phantom X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now