Sounds like a problem for future me

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Angst? Psh- most of this story is angst.

The four of you popped into existence, a small static noise filling your ears as the three of you were dropped from Phantoms arms and met with the hard concrete below. Immediately, all of you were darting your eyes around your new location; you trying to memorise the area before anything could happen. You ran your hands through your hair, baffled at the future awaiting you. Feeling the warmth in your hands, you glanced down to notice your ghost powers had once again melted off you. Tucker was the first to speak, "Man... If this is what we have to look forward to, I'm definitely not taking the C.A.T. test." He grumbled; his eyes locked onto the smoke pouring out of buildings we could vaguely recognise.

"How do you think this all happened?" Sam questioned, glancing up at Danny with a worried expression.

He glanced back at the three of you, a tense aura forcing away any worry you could visibly see, "I don't know... but based on what we just saw – I have a really bad feeling I'm the one responsible."

The small sound of an engine starting up alerted the four of you, quickly shooting your attention towards the new noise, a familiar looking woman shot up on her hoverboard, "Got that right ghost." She said, mounting one of her guns onto her shoulder before shooting a ray off at Phantom.

Danny froze in place, taking the brunt of the attack head on as the woman fell back a little due to recoil, "Valerie!" Danny exclaimed, phasing back out of the ground ready to face her, "Listen to me!"

"You can't fool me this time Phantom." She spoke, aiming her gun towards him again and firing a flurry of shots his way. Danny dodged them, and the alarm in your body shot up. You, Sam, and Tucker jumping up and into action as quickly as possible. They fought for awhile, the three of you trying to catch up as they bounced around Amity's newly destroyed buildings. Danny dodged a last-ditch effort of Valerie launching her hoverboard at him, only for it to be a distraction – him quickly getting caught in a ghost proof net. She aimed her gun towards him, her eyes narrowing as he struggled, "Been waiting a long time for this. Goodbye and good- "
"Valerie no!" Tucker interrupted, throwing himself in front of Danny.

"Don't shoot!" Sam added in, stepping beside Tucker as well.

"Don't move" You said, stabilizing your footing as you paused behind Valerie; your bracelet being flicked on and ready to shoot. You didn't care if it sent her to Vlad's. I'm sure he'd figure it out somehow.

"Sam... Tucker..." She paused turning around to glance at you, "Y/N...? It's not possible!... This is a trick! You can't be alive!" She spoke, babbling on as the grip on her guns loosened.

"Wait... not alive? That's our future!... I'm definitely not taking the C.A.T.!" Tucker spoke, glancing between you and Sam worried, his hands trembling a little.

Valerie shook her head a little, "The C.A.T... that's the last time I saw you alive... The big explosion at the Nasty Burger... you Tucker, Danny's family!" She paused, her hands tightening again before aiming her gun back at Danny, "And it was all your fault!" She cried.

You quickly aimed your bracelet up at her again, your eyes narrowing as she glanced back at you for a moment. In your distraction, none of you noticed a figure shooting their plasma ray at Valerie, quickly throwing her a few feet back and away from you guys. The four of you quickly looked up at there it came from, a tense silence falling between you. "Actually... that was me. And you, eventually." The figure spoke up, all of you quickly recognising him as future Danny.

There was a pause between the five of you, your attention shifting from Valerie to future Danny, your bracelet facing him instead. He was definitely the bigger threat. You stepped in-front of Sam, ready to sacrifice anything you had to, to keep them safe.

Future Danny let out a dark chuckle, "My old friends. It's been a while. 10 years to be accurate." He paused, raising his hand to shoot a plasma blast - but it only cast a green glow on the three of you. You swallowed hard as you watched him approach you, your body tensing up as your fingers trembled around your bracelet, "So... to what do I owe this little blast from the past." He smiled condescendingly, his hands falling behind his back carefully just like Vlad's did, "...Clockwork. Meddling again." He stated, his smile falling into more of an annoyed expression. Before he could say anything else, Valerie blasted him, sending him back aways.

Future Danny re-gained his balance, shaking the smoke away just in time to see Valerie's mocking stance, blowing the smoke away from the barrel of her gun. His annoyance grew as he launched himself towards her, the two of them getting into a fight as Danny finally broke free from his confines. Although you knew Valerie a little, her future self was perfectly capable of handling herself... I think. You glanced back at Sam and Tucker, not removing your eyes from them as Danny joined the others to fight. They needed your help a lot more that then the others did.

You kept your stance in-front of them, "Stay behind me." You commanded, your eyes back onto the fight only to see Danny chase after Valerie as she was flung, quickly shielding her fall by turning her intangible and shooting through the walls. The three of you tensed up, now realising the focus would be on you. Sam quickly ran up behind you, her hand rested on your shoulder as she watched future Danny's eyes slowly trail back onto the three of you.

The three of you held your breath, all of you pausing for a moment before he started stalking towards you guys.

Tucker ran in front of the two of you, holding his arms out and glaring daggers at ghost Danny. There wasn't any hesitancy in his movements, immediately picking the three of you up in a tight grip and separating you into a line. Your hands were dragged down to your sides as you struggled in the strange green ghost glow around you, your eyes glaring back up as his boots were brought into view, "You know... if I had an ounce of humanity left in me. This would be a very touching little reunion." He paused, glancing at the three of you as a wicked smile slowly took over his features, "-but of course... I'd surrendered by human half... a long time ago."

You watched Danny turn intangible behind him, future Danny's ghost sense going off, "Oh please." He murmured to himself, turning around, and shooting a plasma blast. Danny quicky reciprocated it, the two of them grazing each other caused future Danny to let go of the ghost power he held against the three of you.

The three of you crashed down with a hard thud, a small squeak leaving Sam's lips.

"Guys! Run!" Danny shouted lifting himself up. The three of you glanced between each other before quickly jumping into your feet and turning around, deciding you'd only get in Danny's way if you stayed any longer. You quickly took the lead, grabbing their wrists to pull them along faster. You glanced up to the right, quickly taking note at the fact you were by Danny's hold house, 'Fenton works' being eligible as it barely hung from the building only being held up by loose power cables. Maybe you could hide there. The sound of an anguished echo caused you to let go of Sam and Tucker, your hands quickly making their way up to your ears as a small, pained cry left your lips. Glancing up, Danny's house began to crumble under the stress of the sound waves.

"For the record... I blame you." Tucker managed to get out, his hands covering his head in an attempt to shield himself from falling debris.

You reached to pull them out, but Sam quickly pushed you away. The debris falling just in front of your feet as you collapsed back into the ground. You froze, your body trembling at the sight of them now under rubble. Danny's crying out for them finally snapping you out of your shocked state as you rushed to move the pieces of building that littered the ground. You could hear a pained cry leave Danny's lip, causing you to jump up, only allowing you enough time to quickly catch him as he was tossed towards you. The two of you stumbled back, quickly noticing the time medallions that littered the ground.

Danny groaned before sitting up, his eyes glancing at your neck before looking up into your eyes horrified. It clicked at the same time... you didn't have a time medallion. Danny opened his mouth to say something but instead it came back as a small grunt, the two of you being quickly pulled out by future Danny, "I wouldn't try anything. They're doomed anyway... and neither of you are going anywhere if you can't remove your time medallion." He spoke lowly, a green glow encasing you again to hold you once again to the sidelines. You tried to fight through it, but it was pointless, all you could do was sit and watch as future Danny grabbed the time medallion in his hand, the green glow encasing his fists before he turned his entire arm intangible, forcing it into Danny as his cries of pain fell on deaf ears, "In fact... you aren't going anywhere at all." He spoke lowly, Danny drifting in and out of consciousness.

"What did you do to him!" You called out, stealing his attention away from Danny. He wasted no time in dropping him, Danny's conscious fading out as he hit the ground. You glared up at him, your teeth clenching together to hold in any emotions you felt.

He merely shrugged, "You should really be more worried about yourself. After all... he has the opportunity to make it out of this alive." He stated, taking a step closer to you. Your frown deepened, your firsts clenching at your sides. "In fact, I'm not even sure how you're here without a time medallion. Then again... I never was an expert when it came to your ghost half. Afterall, you never did share much with me." He spoke, finally letting you down. You stumbled back, quickly catching yourself. I had to separate him from Danny. Just... long enough for Danny to wake up.

"I share." You mumble, your hand reaching up to your bracelet haphazardly, "Just not with a guy like you."

Future Danny laughed, his body de-tensing as he took a few careless steps towards you, "A guy like me? The same 'guy like me', has been in front of you all along." He stated, gesturing to Danny behind him.

You tensed, taking a couple more steps backwards, "So what... you're going to kill me? Then what?" You asked, your back hitting against the shattered remains of Danny's old house.

Future Danny stopped, his hands tracing through his hair, "If I killed you, I'd be in deeper shit than I bargained for. Clockworks been breathing down my neck..." He said, taking a few more steps in your direction. You pointed the bracelet at him, ready to fire if he took another step. He paused in front of you, glancing over your trembling form before reaching around your wrist. You couldn't fire. You couldn't shoot. You were frozen with fear. "We both know I wouldn't go to the ghost zone if you fired this."

Your breath hitched in your throat as his grip on your wrist tightened, the pain it caused made you wince. You tried to pull your hand away, his grip only tightened as the device shattered in his grasp, "No hard feelings. You running to Vlad again would cause me one too many issues." He retracted his hand from your wrist, turning around to grab Danny. You quickly grabbed his cape, forcing him to stop.

"You knew...? You knew I went to Vlad's?" You asked, your eyes glancing up at the back of his head.

He paused, glancing at you over his shoulder before taking a small step to face you again, "Not originally. That Danny..." he paused, pointing to the unconscious form beneath him, "-is clueless." You pursed your lips together, your grip on him only tightening. He glanced at you, an exasperated sigh leaving his lips, "I don't care now. I didn't care back then." He stated, ripping his cape from your hands before fully turning to you, "Even in this very moment... you're still selfish enough to only think of yourself."

You felt your hand twitch, your eyes widening a little at his words. Selfish...? Is that what I've been? You glanced up, looking at his features. His gaze was cold, a frown plastered on his features instead of the sinister smile he wore before. You felt your body tense up, your eyes scrunching up a little, "I'm sorry." You mumbled, your eyes locking with his as you said it.

He merely shook his head, a small chuckle leaving his lips, "Please. Don't bother this pitiful excuse of an apology." He paused, his frown deepening once again, "Whatever you're sorry for I don't deserve it. Not after all this." He gestures outwards, lifting his hands up a little.

"I'm sorry." You repeated, your eyes softening a little at his tone. You were. You were sorry you kept messing up. And you were sorry for being selfish, "I'm sorry I couldn't protect you." You added barely above a whisper.

Future Danny's eye twitched, his patience clearly growing thin. He merely turned back around, bending down to grab Danny. You frowned; you couldn't protect future Danny... but you could protect Danny's future. Without a second thought, you kicked him in the head as hard as possible, physically forcing him away from Danny. He stumbled back, falling down the pile of rubble and landed on the concrete with a hard thud. You heard him hiss with pain as you grabbed Danny's unconscious body, forcing his arm around your neck and moving as fast as you could away from his future self.

You slid around a corner, silently holding your breath as you kept moving. You had to hide. You pulled Danny to the nearest not crumbling building, quickly darting into it closing the door behind you. Setting Danny down with a grunt, you glanced over his body. You could see cuts and bruises littering his body; dirt and mud smeared into his wounds. His hair had a greyish tint from the debris that collected in it. You pursed your lips, feeling around his arms and legs gently to make sure nothing was broken. Luckily for him, he seemed alright. Standing up, you took once last glance at Danny – you'd have to distract future Danny for a little while. You shut your eyes tightly, shaking your head to collect your nerves before running outside the door. The rubble cracked under your feet as you ran. You slipped against one or two of the rocks and glanced back, only to see future Danny staring down at you menacingly. Without any warning, he quickly flew down to you, forcing you to pick up your pace.

You weaved through fallen rubble and shot between broken buildings. He had a difficult time keeping up. He was used to fighting. You were used to running. You slipped through one last edge before slamming into a clone of him, his hands quickly gripping down your arms in annoyance. He opened his mouth to say something, but you beat him to it, "I thought Danny Fenton was good at catching things. Seems he can't even catch a human." You laughed; your breathing ragged from running as you tried to egg him on.

"Danny Fenton died a long time ago." He stated, his voice calm but his body trembled with anger.

You glanced over him, swallowing hard before finally speaking up again, "I don't know... you're still the same loser I knew back then. Is your drive for world domination a... an ego thing?" You smiled, your body trembling a little under his grasp. You just needed to keep him distracted. Danny's eyes flashed red, his grip on you tightening, before a plasma blast encased you, your body bursting into flames before poof-ing. He stood back, watching the small amount of smoke you left leave his fingertips. He was a little taken aback, confused by your sudden disappearance.

You appeared from behind the corner of the building, a small nervous smile planted on your face, "Wow. You really planned to kill me there, didn't you?" You sweat your eyes closing as you shot him a nervous smile.

His frown deepened, his body stance turning a little more defensive, "How'd you do that?" He asked, glancing over your features – as if to see if you were real or not.

You shrugged, "Vlad said I was a fast learner. What did he call it...? A high-pressure test?" You explained, your eyes darting between him and the plasma blast ready to fire in his hands. This high stress training session seems to have forced another version of yourself out. A duplicate. You just had to distract him. Just distract him. You repeated over and over before quickly taking off in the opposite direction, not waiting a moment longer.

You slid back into the broken buildings, jumping over the any pillars that blocked your way. The entire time, you could hear the plasma blasts being shot off towards you in the distance. You glanced over your shoulder, ducking behind a wall before creating another clone and leaving it there. You turned away, running behind a wall to hide. You watched your clone pause to wait for him, their foot tapping against the floor and glance at a watch that wasn't there before mumbling out a "I think Danny Fenton is faster than you. You've been here what... 10 years longer? Why can't you catch me- old man." It quipped, before ducking behind a wall, a plasma blast barely missing its face. A small nervous giggle left its lips before it was once again, destroyed.

The real you glanced over his features. An unrecognisable amount of anger bubbled off Danny, his eyes narrowed as they darted around every corner of the room, "I didn't know you could use you're ghost powers outside the ghost zone. Did Vlad teach you that?" He called out a little exasperated, assuming you were still within the area. You heard him blast a few dark corners of the room in case you were hiding there, your body flinching with each smash of rock; your lack of response only angered him more. You didn't know you could use your abilities outside the ghost zone either... You knew nothing about your ghost abilities... let alone how you could use them now. You pressed your back against the wall, shutting your eyes tight. You would certainly die here. Glancing down at your hand, you forced energy into your palm. It flickered in and out of intangibility, your eyes narrowing at your regained ability.

As Danny silently slid around the wall, you quickly turned intangible before he could spot you. You watched him glance around angrily, his features scrunched up as his hands blazed with plasma. You could see the tips of his fingers slightly brunt from the sheer heat that emitted from them.

You slid up behind him, grasping at the end of his cape before flinging it over his head. He let out an angry grunt, ripping it from his head only to be met with your fist. As hard as you could, you phased back into reality and punched him in the face.

He stumbled back, quickly reaching up to his face to graze over where you'd hit him. His gaze faltered from anger to cold. Any emotion he had bubbled down upon seeing you, his red eyes now dying down to a blank hollow stare. You took a step back, going intangible but it was too late. His hand wrapped around your wrist before charging another plasma blast. You cried out as it burnt your skin, your hand unable to retract from his grasp as the skin on your wrist scorched.

He dropped you, his knee quickly making contact with your stomach. You let out a pained cough, your breath seemingly trapped in your throat as you stuttered under his grasp. He looked down at you, his gaze hardening before slamming his foot back down onto the top of your chest. A cry leaving your lips as it made contact.

Your hands wrapped around his ankle, hoping to pry it off without success. You just glared up at him, unable to breath as he continued to put pressure on your already empty lungs. You grit your teeth, your body attempting to go intangible but failing due to the high amount of adrenaline in your blood.

This was it. I just hope I bought enough time.

He pushed harder, his heel digging into bone. You bit your lip - drawing blood out from how hard you tried to silence the pain that threatened to spill. You couldn't believe it. You looked back up at Danny, his expression held no sympathy. It held no remorse. It held absolutely nothing. Nothing but the icy glare he shot back at you.

Your vision darkened, your grip loosening ever so slightly as you felt yourself let go. You let out the final bit of air you held in your lungs, your body slouching at the lack of oxygen. You fought to keep your eyes open, your glare softening into a look of pure desperation before your body finally gave in and you passed out.

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