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Okay! I've finally made some fluffy content. Enjoy!

You had been walking around the neighbourhood with no destination in mind and it had gotten pretty late. You were starting to make a habit of staying up past what you used to. Maybe just as your dad mentioned, you were getting older. This is just a part of it. This sick feeling. You stopped and looked up at the sky; the stars looked so prominent today. You reached your hand up almost as if you were trying to touch them. The sick feeling coming back as your head filled up with thoughts. You quickly cleared it by shaking your head and continued walking along. Your eyes had begun to get tired, but you knew if you went back, you'd have to deal with your reality again. You crossed your arms and gripped your sides feeling tears fill up your eyes again. A shaky sigh left your throat. Deciding that being out really late at night wasn't safe, you started heading home. Your surroundings slowly got a little more familiar until you reached that same spot. You looked into the park, half expecting to see Phantom there. Surprised, you did. He was curled up on the bench with his head in his hands. You paused for a second without saying anything, wondering if the best thing to do was to just leave. You swallowed hard, "Phantom...? Are- are you okay?" You asked starting to make your way towards him.

He looked up surprised, once he made eye contact with you, he looked away, putting his head in his arms as he curled up further.

"Phantom?" You repeated quietly, putting your hand on his shoulder.

He shuddered a little, "I'm sorry." He whispered.

You held your breath, "Please look at me." You whispered back

He shook his head and kept his head in his arms. You removed your hand from his shoulder and put it under his face, lifting up slowly making him look at you. He didn't fight; however, he did keep his eyes focused somewhere else.

"Phantom, why are you sorry?" You asked removing your hand and sat down beside him.

"I'm such an idiot." He choked out and looked down. You stayed silent waiting for him to continue. "I... I didn't mean to ditch you."

"Phantom... I gotta admit. I was annoyed at first but- I think I got all my anger out on Technus." You let out a dry laugh.

He finally looked over towards you and opened his mouth to say something but decided against it.

"Can I ask you something?" You said looking at him. Finally making eye contact.

He tensed up and took a deep breath, "Okay."

You paused for a moment and looked up towards the sky, "Is it really true you've never actually had fun." You laughed a little, lightening the mood.

He de-tensed "Hah. I know how to have fun." He let out a small shaky sigh of relief.

"I wouldn't be too sure..." You smiled over towards him and leaned into the bench.

"Haha. Very funny." He said sarcastically crossing his arms.

You sat up and quickly and turned to look at him. Startled a little, he looked at you surprised before you leaned in, "No matter what happens Phantom. We're friends forever." You smiled holding out your pinky for him to shake.

He looked at you for a moment before he smiled at your pinky lovingly and light pink dusted his cheeks, "Friends forever." He intertwined his pinky with yours.

You gave him a closed eyed smiled before getting up, "Okay Phantom! I'll show you how to have fun." You looked at him determined and held out your hand for him to grab.

He grabbed it and hoisted himself up, "I already told you! I know how to have fun!" He defended himself.

"Yeah yea... not like how I do." You smiled and started walking off, hoping he'd take the hint and follow you.

He laughed, "Maybe... but have you ever had fun like this...?" He flew up behind you and scooped you up quickly pulling you off the ground and up into the air.

You gasped as he lifted you higher up. "Phantom! Not fun! Not fun! Put me down!" You demanded holding onto him tightly and shutting your eyes.

He chuckled lowly, "I have a feeling you don't want me to put you down right now."

You gulped and shook your head clueing in on what he meant.

"Just look Y/N. Trust me... you'll regret it if you don't." He said quietly looking down at you.

"MmNm!" You shook your head and buried it further into Phantom.

"I promise. I won't let you go... just look up." He tightened his grasp on you reassuringly. You slowly relaxed in his grasps and opened your eyes just a crack. You opened your eyes a little further and your heart skipped a beat. Not out of nervousness, but out of sheer beauty. You were closer to the stars than you'd ever been in your life, they looked like if you really did reach up, you'd be able to pluck them out of the sky. You looked down a little and saw the place you called home sparkle underneath you. Walking around in it, you could never imagine how beautiful it was above. You could just make out people hanging out with friends and family; people laughing and having fun, roaming around the streets. Your heart felt absolutely full as your eyes sparkled down at everything.

"I come up here a lot to think." He smiled down at you.

"Good thinking spot." You said finally looking up at him. Once you made eye contact, you held your breath for a second; the lights from the city below reflected in his eyes and... his face was lit up a little by all the lights shining on the both of you. He looked so much happier than he did a second ago.

He slowly brought you back down to the ground and set you down, "I told you you'd regret not looking."

Your words got choked up in your throat, it was like your heart had skipped a beat for a moment, "Knowing what I know now... I wouldn't miss it for the world." You finally got out.

He smiled at you, "Now how is it you... Y/N... have fun?" he asked raising a brow at you.

You chuckled, "I don't know if it'll compare to what I just saw... but yes. I have something in mind." You stared walking off towards your favorite place. He quickly caught up to you and walked beside you, "You must bring everyone up there Phantom."

He paused for a moment, "Actually... I haven't really brought anyone there." He clarified.

"Why not?" You asked continuing conversation.

"Eh... no ones ever been this inclined to hang out with a Phantom." He explained.

"Not even Tucker, Sam or Danny?" You asked looking at him.

"Not really. We usually only hang out while we fight ghosts." He spoke. You looked over and he didn't really look that bothered by it.

"It must be lonely." You looked at him sympathetically.

He paused for a moment, "Not anymore."

You giggled, "Especially now that I'm showing you my favorite place!"

He chuckled a little, "Yeah. Where are we going anyways?"

"Lucky you, we're here!" You smiled turning into that same fast-food place that the trio brought you to just about a week or two ago.

"Your favorite place is... the Nasty Burger?" He held back a laugh.

"It's not about the food Phantom! It's the first place me and my friends all hung out together. They brought me here the first time I came here... so... I'm bringing you here." You held open the door for him and awaited. He laughed a little. "Don't laugh!"

He laughed a little more as he walked in, "I'm not laughing!"

You frowned dramatically and waited for him to stop. After a little bit he stopped, and you guys pushed your way in and sat somewhere.

This nervous look washed over his face, "They're so going to notice I'm Danny Phantom! I'm not exactly... on good terms with the town... ever." He stated looking at you nervously.

You paused for a moment before pulling off your sweater and handing it to Phantom, "Now you'll just look like some guy with white hair." He gratefully took it and pulled it over himself. The waitress came over and put down some menus. You opened it and looked through carefully since the last time you didn't actually pick what you ate. Phantom looked at the menu and paused before glancing up at you and picking it up as well.

After a little bit you'd decided on something. The second you put the menu down so did Phantom.

"Have you never been to a restaurant?" You asked looking at him.

"N-no! I have." He defended. You giggled a little and brushed aside the topic. "Are you... doing any better?" He asked.

'Doing any better?" You questioned.

"Yea uh- your ribs. Last time you'd shown them to me they looked horrible." He explained glancing down at where the bruises were then back up at your face.

"Yea! Actually. The bruises haven't changed, but the pain has subsided." You smiled reassuring him you were okay. After a little bit of talking, the waitress came and took your orders.

"Whenever we hang out like this together, how about you show me something about the town you like, and then I'll do the same." You suggested.

"Does that mean... you wanna hangout again like this?" He smiled looking at you hopeful.

"Course! I wouldn't be suggesting it if I didn't want to." You laughed.

He let out a relieved sigh, "Then yes. I have a few ghost tricks up my sleeve."

"Hah... try to keep the killing me to a minimum yea?" You said with a hint of nervousness in your voice.

"No promises." He joked. The waitress put the food in front of the both of you. You guys talked for awhile and finished up your food. He learned a little about your interested and you learnt a little of his. You both "nerded" out about video games, you were a little surprised he even knew what video games were. After you both finished, you paid for the both of you and left.

"How about I fly you home? It's quite late." He suggested looking out towards the city.

"You sure?" You asked making sure it wasn't a burden.

"You paid for my dinner. It's the least I could do." He smiled and walked over towards you picking you up again. "Hold on!" He said excitedly before taking off quickly.

This time, you weren't nervous about flying with Phantom. You kept your eyes open as you laughed in excitement. You'd never felt more alive than in that moment. He held onto you carefully as he made sure to not fly too high. He didn't want you to have a heart attack after all. "This is incredible! I- I never would've imagined myself flying!"

"Haha! Believe me, neither did I!" He laughed. The comment totally flew over your head. You glanced around watching building whoosh by you. Then you took in one final glance of how close the stars were. You gripped onto Phantom a little harder as if it'd steady you a little, just so you could make out some of the constellations. Eventually, he slowed down as he got closer to your house. He carefully set you down by the door.

"Thanks Phantom." You smiled at him running your fingers through the wind-blown hair look you'd gotten from flying so fast.

He giggled a little at the appearance and put his hand on the back of his neck rubbing it a little, "It's been really fun... hanging out with you."

"You were right Phantom. You do know how to have fun." You joked a little.

"I told you so." He paused for a moment, "I'll see you around yea?" He held out his pinky.

"See you around, Phantom." You interlocked your pinky with his while you both laughed a little.

He gave you one last wave before turning around and flying off. Even though he wasn't looking you waved back. Once he was out of sight, you headed inside your house. You quietly slipped off your shoes and made your way up the stairs. Picking up the Technus sketch and putting it back on the board. You crashed down in your bed and laughed a little as you thought back to the few pervious hours. You could still see the sparkles in Phantoms eyes.

You've got my attention - Danny Phantom X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now